help in ckt for enrgy optimization..

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New Member
i need to improve any component's in a room like fan,light
can u plz give me ideas of other devices and how to optimize enrgy efficiany.
i need to improve any component's in a room like fan,light
can u plz give me ideas of other devices and how to optimize enrgy efficiany.
Replace them. Or - turn off the fan when you don't need cool air. Same with light bulbs. Turn them off in daylight.

Or buy new fan and led bulbs instead and replace with old ones.
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Is it a project? What is in the room to change? Why don't you just put a energy saver bulb in.

What I'm saying is a little more info will be nice.
its a competion really .i dont have to use any programmble device

i did the fan circuit which controls fan speed according to temperature.and also light..

i want some really innovative and out of box ideas
Why do I care if you graduate? Isn't graduation something you've earned through study? What grade are you graduating?
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Treadstarter shouldn't blame any else. As you can see, you've got answer already. You haven't provided any usable information yet so you can't expect better answer.

It's like askin "how can my car goes better"? Try answer that
i want to increase or decrease sound level of speaker depending on sound level or noise created by people in the room .if there is silence in the room the speaker sound must be low and vice versa..
dude this is an electronics related forum so plz try to give some related information .if not do not post unnecessary comments

For starters you need to be far more specific with your question it is too general/far reaching.

Secondly I for one hate people using txt speak. txt is strictly for texting on phones don't use anywhere else.

thirdly Blueroom is a perfectly respectable member of this forum and he knows his electronics.

Do you want your original question answered or do you just want the second one done ?
I have noticed you have started another thread with another pleading far reaching question. You seem to have a large number of projects on the go and amazingly you appear to have no idea about any of them....

Despite your tag (resonableman) it is you who is being entirely unreasonable.

If you'd like to ask a sensible question you will get a sensible answer. Basically this forum is for people who want help with a circuit they have - people wont design you a circuit from the ground up...unless your paying.
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i want to increase or decrease sound level of speaker depending on sound level or noise created by people in the room .if there is silence in the room the speaker sound must be low and vice versa..
We did that in airports. When it got noisy then the PA became louder. When it became quiet then the PA was less loud.
The trick is not to sense noise during paging. If you have continuous music playing then you will not be able to sense how much noise.
thank u audioguru .should i use mic to detect sound level in room and then use it as feed back to volume control of speaker
thank u audioguru .should i use mic to detect sound level in room and then use it as feed back to volume control of speaker
It is more complicated than that:
1) The mic must have a preamp then a rectifier and filter.
2) The amplifier must have a voltage controlled volume control.
3) The mic signal must be gated off when the amplifier is playing so that the mic does not hear the signal that is being played.
4) The voltage that controls the volume must be kept steady while the amplifier is playing.
ur the boss audio guru ...can u plz give me link to such circuit so that i can construct my own using that as reference.

also does adjusting volume control consumes more energy than that of actual loud noise.
Noise caused by people in a room does not consume energy.
But an amplifier that plays sounds consumes more energy when it plays louder.

I could not find such a complicated circuit in Google. Maybe you must design one yourself.
if u dont want to help then dont..
but mind ur tongue..
i was not asking u fr ckt so mind ur own buissness .
and dont interfere.
if Mr Audioguru didnt say anything u have no right.
if u dont want to help then dont..
but mind ur tongue..
i was not asking u fr ckt so mind ur own buissness .
and dont interfere.
if Mr Audioguru didnt say anything u have no right.

Really? So if audioguru doesn't say anything nobody else is allowed to? Gee sorry about that.
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