help in ckt for enrgy optimization..

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At least I don't have a school project deadline due date. The OP can waste as much time here as in school, if they show some effort then they'll get help but nobody here seems to want to be a free design service.
At least I don't have a school project deadline due date. The OP can waste as much time here as in school, if they show some effort then they'll get help but nobody here seems to want to be a free design service.

look at his posts,look at his reputation....
What do you got from it????
I got one thing.He has increased it with interfering with newbie's threads....

New guys vs regulars.
Let the showdown begin......
u r using that Dragon Ballz character name Number 17....So its obvious that u will expect showdown everywhere...But this not the place where u should look for SHOWDOWN....If u want just take RC and turn on ur TV....
u r using that Dragon Ballz character name Number 17....So its obvious that u will expect showdown everywhere...But this not the place where u should look for SHOWDOWN....If u want just take RC and turn on ur TV....

Your spelling not so much. I take it you two are summer school classmates.
Tell me are you and reasonableman classmates or the same person?

Sounds and looks like the same person.

Also, can't stand the txt language either. To much like ebonics.

Doesn't look as though anyone is willing to do his work.

I know this wasn't a welcome addition, but this kind of banter isn't what I have come to expect from such a great forum.
The banter seems to be seasonal, depending on school I guess.

txtspeak simply demonstrates the maturity of the poster, it's usually a good indication of how much effort the OP has put into his coursework
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