help in designing variable power supply

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hi i am designing a variable power supply from 220AC-(0-200)DC
i used a rectifier to make 200v dc then i use dc chopper connecting mosfet and inductor and a capacitor and then i had a problem for controlling the voltage i want to control it using pwm modulation method
i search in the net how to make it
i want to use 555 timer or pic16f84a but it didn't work so someone please help me how to make my design correct.
in the attachment there is the design in proteus


  • variable power supply
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sorry here the documant and there is photo


  • variable power supply
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much better, but I'm afraid that i can't help you. i don't know very much about µc's maybe you could go back to your 555 idea, in witch case i can help you
OK i want to pwm modulation 555 or pic i want to know how to make variable
do you understand what i want??
do you have proteus??
10ِِA current i want


I would suggest you get a Large 220 VAC "VARIAC" TRANSFORMER.
Than Rectify it with a Full Wave Bridge Rectifier and Filter the Output With VERY LARGE Filter Caps.

This would be your Simplest and Cheapest way.
ok i want to know how to make the output variable using pwm
this is the final project

PWM is NOT a Variable Output Voltage or Output Current.

It Varies Duty Cycle, Which only Varies "AVERAGE CURRENT".

On a 220 VAC LINE and Rectified and Filtered to DC, the Actual Voltage will be about 308 Volts DC and the Pulses of Current will be Whatever is available from your power line before your Fuse Blows.

Considering all this, It would take an Enourmous Bank of High Voltage Mosfets and Massive Heatsinks.
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are you not expected to design this yourself as a demonstration of your knowledge?

I think he already showed us how much he knows.

I would almost be willing to wager that he is possibly a fourth year student as well.
believe or not i am a fourth year student and i am taking power electronic course we took how to make dc choppers by using jones circuit i search on the net how making it variable i saw the regulator then i want to know is it possible we make it variable power supply by PWM because it change the average volt by varying the pulse width time on and off.

instead of judging me give me your great opinion about the project
show to the correct way

Jones Circuit? What Ever or Who Ever that is?
So, Go Ask JONES!

Yes it can Change the AVERAGE Voltage, Assuming a Constant Load Resistance.
But I Don't see how that will help you do What your asking for your 200 volt/10 amp supply?
I would almost be willing to wager that he is possibly a fourth year student as well.

Nailed that one!

Using a phase controlled system is about as close to PWM voltage control as you can get with a direct line feed setup.
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