help me how connect this two circuit

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anyone can help me how connect this two circuit..


  • strobe2_1.gif
    3 KB · Views: 346
  • Ultrasonic_Radar_with_alarm.PNG
    31.8 KB · Views: 586
That couldn't have been more vague.

Any more info?

The first one is a lighting circuit and I only had a super quick glace at the second one before realising its just easier to ask exactly what you want these to circuits to do than to try and guess what you want them to do...

So, What do you want to acheive by interconnecting these 2 circuits (somehow)
actually the operation is when the ultrasonic radar circuit which is already connected to siren circuit that i inserted in this thread is detected a motion, the output from TR1 in Ultrasonic Radar circuit will activated the siren circuit...How i can make this Strobe light circuit can activated simultaneously with siren circuit when get trigerring from TRI from Ultrasonic radar circuit...
You can use the original ultrasonic circuit that has a relay output. The relay can apply power to the strobe light circuit.
One of the two output transistors on the original ultrasonic circuit can turn on the siren circuit.
The original Ultrasonic Motion Detector (Ultrasonic Radar project at electronics-Lab) is this one:


  • ultrasonic radar.PNG
    14.2 KB · Views: 1,063
  • ultrasonic radar input.PNG
    8.1 KB · Views: 577
hai master

Is this connection is right. The output from TR1 to siren circuit and output from TR2 connected to Strobe Light circuit..


  • gabungan.PNG
    39.7 KB · Views: 454
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You don't have TR2 turning on the strobe light. Instead you have TR2 being blown up by 120VAC!

Use the original TR1 and TR2 darlington to turn on a relay. One contact on the relay turns on the siren and another contact on the relay powers the strobe light circuit.
The relay coil will need a reversed diode in parallel with it.

Since you know nothing about electronics, don't play with mains voltages.
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