help need:38khz ir transmitter using multivibrator

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As I understand from earlier postings, the TSOP requires 'gaps' in the recieved signal, if not it 'gets used to' the incoming signal and then ignores it. Therefore, the TX 38 kHz signal (2nd osc) needs to be gated on/off periodically (1st osc), and for long enough time to allow the TSOP to 'recover'.

Maybe having a TSOP solution isn't so elegant as we think it is. As the output will also be this 'long enough time', the output may need to be pulse-stretched with a monstable of some kind, adding to the circuit complexity.
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single pulse is enough for me.remote is going to work like a on off switch but with speed control
It is, I don't think the OP understands that the frequency of the pulses needs to be higher than once every minute for the IC to work.
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