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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Help needed for Induction Heater circuit


Hello friends,
I am attempting to design a 1 kW induction heater operating at 979Hz. Two IRFP250N mosfets are operating in Push-Pull. The parallel resonating capacitor of 33uF is on the primary side. The 2uH induction coil is on the secondary side. The Push-Pull transformer has a split primary and the primary to secondary turns ratio is 20:1. The power supply voltage is 60V DC. I have been simulating the circuit in LTSpice.

My simulation shows a sharp current spike on mosfet switch ON. My question is, how can I eliminate/greatly reduce this spike.

I have uploaded a zip file, which contains the LTspice *.asc file for the simulation, the *.spi file for the IRFP250N and a screendump of the simulation which shows the current spike. In practice I will be using a bank of 2 or 3 IRFP250s per split primary, but for the present I would like to know how to remove/reduce the current spike. Many thanks in advance!

NB: Please amend the spice directive giving the location of the IRFP250N spi file in the Inductheat_1.asc simulation file to match the actual location of the file on your computer.


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The Q factor of the tuned circuit is so low that resonance won't happen. The Q from the inductor is 2*π*L/R

That is 2 * π * 0.000002 / 0.5 = 0.025 which is so low that it can't be considered a tuned circuit at all.

An induction heater will be basically resonating with no object in range, and when an object is present, that will damp the resonance.

Some other points:-

I don't understand what the 0.2 H inductor L5 is supposed to simulate.

I think that the current spikes are just the charging and discharging of the capacitor. With the low Q, the transformer has effectively got a resistive load, which is the square wave and the spikes are on top of that.

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