Help: receiver circuit

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if i've got a transmitter circuit ....then can i get a receiver circuit for it?


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When building transmitters such as those I think most hobbyists just talk into the microphone while slowly tuning a radio until their voice is heard.
When building transmitters such as those I think most hobbyists just talk into the microphone while slowly tuning a radio until their voice is heard.

And hope like hell that you even hit the 88-108Mhz FM band...
Your circuit is over-designed and uses some incorrect values. Here is a better design:

**broken link removed**
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Collin, do you really mean 68k feeding the mic and giving it 0.2v?
I suspect 6.8k would be a better choice.
I use high quality electret microphones and if you use a low value resistor the mic is over-fed with current and the output becomes so distorted that it sounds like bacon and eggs frying. 6k8 is FAR TOO LOW for 9v. I use 22k - 47k.
Some mics have an internal resistor and that's why you see some circuits with an additional low value resistor supplying them.
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