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help with electronic circuit project

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New Member
hi i'm trying to create a lil electronic circuit (i think) that when attached to a person and turned on emits shocks somewhat like when u rub ur feet on carpet but more "painfull" i don't want to hurt anyone just wanna have some fun any ideas plz????

it can be if done wrong thats why i dont just do it. its no more harmfull than getting shocked with static electricity if done right

My buddies back in high school used to take the electric lighter component out of electric lighters (Like a normal pocket lighter, but it uses some sort of electricity to create a spark, rather than flint) and use those to shock people. I suppose it was one of those dumb pranks. The shock was more along the lines of a good static shock.

Thinking about it, it probably wasn't the wisest of things to do. I'm not sure how all of the electrical impulses work inside of the body, but I imagine that such a shock can interrupt these impulses. If you catch someone who has epilepsy or something, you may end up giving them a really bad day. Again, I'm not a doctor, but something like that can't be good for someone, even if it is a little spark.

I'm sure that shockers would be mass produced on the "prank" market and sold commercially if there wasn't some sort of danger behind the task. The reasoning behind that makes me wonder that there is a good reason behind not producing such a product.

I'm not trying to be a downer or anything, but in reality, the potential to hurt someone is pretty good.
Perhaps a better alternative for a prank is to buy a vibration motor, encase it in a device that looks like it will give a shock, and then upon pressing the button, the device vibrates.

The vibration ought to act as a placebo, making the brain think it has been shocked, and, while causing no possible damage, achieve the prank.

I think this would be a better option.
A barbecue starter will give you a nice little shock and be current limited enough not to kill anyone. You should be able to get one at home depot or your local hardware store.
Actually they do make these kind of things they kind of lock up the muscle they sell them as pens and lighters. The lighters run on a AAA battery and smaller batteries for the pens. When you push the button on top of the pen it gives a small shock maybe a little stronger than a static shock and longer. same with the lighter when you try to light it it shocks you. Basically they use a small coil and a battery so when you complete the circuit it ups the amps so that it causes the muscle to react. really simple circuit. they cost about $5.00 to buy where I usually see them, and there really all around in Mall's and small convenient stores. Email me if you want a picture of the inside of my lighter shocker. and I'll post it here.

It's Basically a TENS unit (a device used to work out muscles for) but stronger. Once being stupid I hooked up a pretty good sized coil to a 9volt and touched 2 of the wires 2 my leg and nothing happend, this is when I figured out how AC works then disconnected it and zapppp!!!! ouch it hurt made me jump but didn't burn me or hurt me in any way I know it basically simulates the electric pulse your brain sends to your muscles.
When I was at primary school we actually did things like this - using 'shocking coils' - all the class held hands in a circle, with the outputs from the 'shocking coils' connected to the start and end of the circle. As I remember the idea was to demonstrate the flow of electricity through the childrens bodies!.

Needless to say, it's no longer done in UK schools!. This sort of thing is always a risk, what one person might barely feel might actually kill another person. There's a very wide range of possible effects!, in the 21st century it wouldn't be wise to subject yourself to the legal possibilities involved.
yea I was thinking you wouldn't want to do this to a person you don't know very well either cause they just might want to kick your butt. To some people a shock is cool to others it isn't. so if u do it do it to only close friends you know it wouldn't hurt.
magickaldan said:
yea I was thinking you wouldn't want to do this to a person you don't know very well either cause they just might want to kick your butt. To some people a shock is cool to others it isn't. so if u do it do it to only close friends you know it wouldn't hurt.

I'm a Black Belt 2nd Dan - I'd take serious exception to you doing it to me :lol:

It's surprising how many people have martial arts training, there are incredibly huge numbers of black belts out there - so be careful! - a well trained martial artist could easily kill, or seriously injure, you - simply by reflex action!.
i was riding in my car one day with a friend, she was pregnant with a guy's baby who wouldn't admit it (supposedly). That guy's girlfriend was harassing us in her car (he was also in the car) and I pulled over at McD's. The girlfriend got out of the car screaming, the guy got out to hold her back, and my friend was telling me to kick the crap out of him. I refused to do it.

Not more than 3 weeks later that guy was arrested (and released) for putting 2 people in ICU, breaking an arm, and fighting with a fourth guy who got away. He was jumped in New Orleans for unknown reasons. He had a black belt, I wouldn't want to shock him.
People, People!

Haven’t we lost the direction slightly??

Yes, there are ethics involved in electronics, and everyone's comments are both valid, and appreciated by all.

However, many people are trying to learn about electronics here (me included) and will build their projects as a way of learning, rather than solving a practical problem.

Megavolt, there are lots of diagrams for 'Stun Guns' around (there is one in this forum somewhere). I have also heard that the flashes out of disposable cameras can give people a small shock.

While I couldn't condone deliberately hurting people, don't be put off building a small 'stun gun' (for educational purposes) by this lot talking politics (I don't mean to be rude).

I wonder if it would be possible to build a powerful stun gun that is built into a jacket as a hidden self-defence device…? Maybe that’s going a little bit too far.
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