Help with my first project

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New Member
Hello, I am in 4th grade and building my first project in school. I have a motor powered by a 9v battery. I have a photocell to turn the circuit on.

I would like to research different ways to stop the motor while the photocell is in constant daylight. I only need the motor to run momentarily. What types of components can I add to my circuit to achieve this?
It depends what you want the motor to do. A simple solution is a switch in series with the motor. A more complex solution would be a change over switch combined with limit switches to make the motor move something one way then the other depending on the position of the change over switch. A link.

Something that obstructs the light shining on the cell. For the very first test, just your hand.
Are you limited to basic parts like switches and wire, and your photocell, or a little more advanced, like transistors ?

Do you have a picture / part number of photocell ?

I know 6'th graders are programming Arduinos with block programming languages like scratch, mBlock, are you doing any of that yet ?

Maybe comment on what other things you have done so we can get an idea of your current knowledge.

Regards, Dana.
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