I fed those Rsense measurements into a sim of the FSM and got the alarm to trip at the 0.06V and 0.08V points as expected but not at the 0.16V point. Not quite as you experienced, but your measurements are each some sort of average of what is probably a rather spikey waveform, so not surprising that simulation and reality didn't quite match up. As you say, weird that you didn't get a peep at the 0.08V point though. Also, with the pump rotor being a 4-pole type the current waveform during a rotation might be quite unlike that in the old pump so the sim may not model it well.
Be that as it may, by doing the FSM R2 mod you should (according to the sim) get no alarm trips at all for the whole of that reefcrest duration.
Simulation also shows you should be able to drive 4 further PDMs ok with the existing Tide module. U3c can provide a Vt signal to 4 PDMs without sweat and U3d can do likewise for the other 4 PDMs.
The Alarm section can be extended easily adding a respective 'LED + diode' string for each new PDM.