Ah, I've come up with a design for just that. How about this?Current limiting to be really effective on motors has to incorporated with a delay. You let the limit be exceeded briefly for start-ups.
Explanation: When motor current through Rsense exceeds ~3A Q1 turns on, allowing C1 to charge over a period (~0.3 - 2.5 sec, to allow for motor start-up) set by the trimpot. When C1 voltage reaches the Schmitt threshold of gate U1a the gate output goes low, quickly discharging C2 and switching off the FET. Q1 then turns off and C1 discharges over ~ 20 sec via R5. When the FET is off so is its LED indicator. Gate U1a has its output diode-OR-ed (D4-D7) with the outputs of corresponding gates in other pump modules and when it goes low triggers the alarm module.
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