I'll take your word for that, but LTSpice says otherwise for the LT1084.
Now we are getting on the same wave length. It's still a litttle marginal. I'm thinking maybe the heatsink is ~30C per watt so at 6 amps it is still going towards 160 C. But at 9 amps we're looking at 330 C at least. Thats solder blob teritory.
However, I was forgetting the Hall device in the pump; that needs a few volts before it will turn on the pump FETs. I've re-run a sim with the pump modelled as the coil in series with an NFET, and the Hall device modelled as a 3V3 zener feeding the FET gate. Better model?
I think the pump uses a P Fet. I haven't tried that, but I'll give it a shot. I once tried to build a motor model but all I did was pull my hair out.
Grounding the ADJ pin then cuts off the (non-shorted) pump and 1084 current without having to use another FET. With the ADJ pin high the 1084 output switches high and low at ~ 130Hz, so that would enable rotor lock to be recognised and steps taken to ground the ADJ pin. Not sure if the pump would like being pulsed at 130Hz, albeit with current limited to 6A. The concensus in posts above was that pulsing it (PWM) might be detrimental. Both coil and internal FET dissipate many Watts during the pulsing.
I used a lower voltage than 24 so the 1084 would start. That may be the difference. Where I ended up was with a 1/2 ohm in series with the regulator and running it at 20 volt input voltage. The thought being that maybe the FET has a 20 volt gate to source maximum so maybe we should stay under it. It's probably a 30 volt FET so maybe not required.
I haven't been able to duplicate the 130 HZ oscillation with a short. It does oscillate at a low voltage if you make the inductor 0 ohms but a short seems ok. The regulator will get hot but its protection circuity should protect it. ~ 15 watts.
Here is the sim I used.
We would still need something like you had in one post to shut everthing down after a couple of seconds