The PDMs have separate 24V and power ground lines. They share signal ground, 12V, and Vt lines.
With everything hooked up using the original schematic for blending new pumps, new controllers and new power supplies with our controller (no PS backup, 24V from one PS to our controller) each pump seems to run on its own PS. If the PS that does not have 24V connected to our controller is unplugged, only that pump stops. If the PS that has 24V connected to our controller is unplugged, both pumps stop.
The only change made was to take 24V from each PS and connect them to individual anodes of 1N4148, then running a wire from the connected cathodes to our controller. (as in post 1915) Then, as soon as a single PS is connected to either PDM, both pumps run.
I have been working with two new PS, two new pumps, two new controllers, two PDMs and our controller.
Thanks for looking at this.