HEX or BIN to make FONTS etc

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hi, C,
Downloaded your big fonts text.

I have been building some symbol fonts.
eg: smallish triangles, filled circles and pointers, ideal graphics pointers etc.
Uses a Proc symbol(x0,y0, z0, colour.bg col)
'the z0 has a decimal value from 0 thru 9, to select the symbol type.

Morning E,
Is this using system using the technique outlined on #205, on the 5110 thread?
hi C,
It is similar, for the 5110, you do not need the colours.

Proc drawsymb(x0 As Byte, y0 As Byte, z0 As Byte, color As Word, bg As Word)
Dim cntr As Byte
Dim symbfont As Word
Dim symhi As Byte

sy = y0
sx = x0
symval = z0

Gosub sym2tft 'get font

For fnt1 = 0 To 10 ''symb font width '11
sy = y0
symbfont = sym1(fnt1) 'get all bit/bytes in symb font sequence

symhi = symbfont.HB
For cntr = 3 To 0 Step -1
If symhi.cntr = 1 Then
Call setpixel(sx, sy, color)
sy = sy + 1
Call setpixel(sx, sy, bg)
sy = sy + 1
Next cntr

symhi = symbfont.LB
For cntr = 7 To 0 Step -1
If symhi.cntr = 1 Then
Call setpixel(sx, sy, color)
sy = sy + 1
Call setpixel(sx, sy, bg)
sy = sy + 1
Next cntr
sx = sx + 1
Next fnt1

End Proc
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