HI AGAIN!!! Bluetooth project ideas

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mr. mister

New Member
Can anyone please suggest any suitable bluetooth final year projects for an electronics engineering???

many thanks as the idea i came up with initially was deemed rather complicated
hi i think there is a good project with bluetoth,the project is how to learn the deaf pepole and pepole cant talk and thats bye transmiting your sound by bluetoth to therir computers the computer translate sound to english word and to their special samples and also when they wana talk write thier samples computer convert it to english then to sound hope i help u bye :lol:
Because of the compression used to transmit audio most speech recognition won't work.

How about a bluetooth mouse or joystick. Bluetooth has a human interface device protocol. The bluetooth software will be the most complicated part of the project. You could just buy a cheap mouse and take the quadrature signals off the sensor chip and send the data through bluetooth.


bluetooth enabled energymeter.
u get readings on ur device, dont have to poll each and every house.

bluetooth enabled energymeter.
u get readings on ur device, dont have to poll each and every house.
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