I'm not listening to broadcast stations, they are an advert wasteground anyway, and fm is similar.
My eddystone picks up a lot more than the kenwood does, not sure what part of the kenwood makes am sound better maybe its the detector or something.
I'd expect a reasonable rx to be useable down to a micro volt, less than that is pretty good, 40uv is a little deaf, as you say am broadcast tends to be a strong signal anyway.
I have a tube set that has Afc on Am, never thought about how that works, maybe it has 2 detectors.
My eddystone picks up a lot more than the kenwood does, not sure what part of the kenwood makes am sound better maybe its the detector or something.
I'd expect a reasonable rx to be useable down to a micro volt, less than that is pretty good, 40uv is a little deaf, as you say am broadcast tends to be a strong signal anyway.
I have a tube set that has Afc on Am, never thought about how that works, maybe it has 2 detectors.
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