high brightness leds

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Wikipedia is really good. Lookup Luminous Flux.

Actually, I hate Wikipedia, for reasons having nothing to do with this thread that I won't get into here. But thanks anyway.

I found a very good (non-Wikipedia) explanation of all this here, with all the gory details (radiant power, steradians, etc.).

What is your application?

Nothing at this point. Just playin' around.
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all i wanted to know is that which led is best in efficiency vise,means in lumens/watt
? can any body answer it? because that efficiency will serve as a standard for my rest of the leds that i am testing.
Cree's latest and greatest is supposed to be the **broken link removed**. Don't know what Osram, Philips, or??? has in the pipeline.
hb leds

helo again.now i need help to make a driver circuit for a 5 watt hb led.the driver should be such that its input is constant 12 volts dc and the driver current can be varied.can any one help me how to make the circuit.
Check out an IC like a LM3406, their data sheets are pretty thorough. If they are not in your marketplace, then all major brands should have something similar.
Luminous flux, measured as lumens per watt, IS the efficiency.

Candelas is intensity at a location. 1 candela is the intensity of a standard candle at 1 foot as i recall.

a dim LED can be bright (high candela figure) in a focused beam, but it takes a bright LED to light an area. think in terms of energy density: energy divided by area.

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