This circuit should work for your motor direction control.
It uses a NE555 timer IC as an Set/Reset latch.
Closing S1 will make the output of the 555 go low, turning the relay off and causing the motor to go in one direction,
Closing S2 will make the output of the 555 go high, turning the relay on and causing the motor to change direction.
How it works:
When the voltage on the threshold pin of 555 goes above 2/3rds (8V) of the Vcc voltage, the 555 output goes low.
When the voltage on the trigger pin of 555 goes below 1/3rd (4V) of the Vcc voltage, the 555 output goes high.
In this circuit, they are tied together and held at 1/2 (6V) of Vcc. We'll call this point, input.
When S1 is closed, the input is pulled up to about 11 Volts, well above the threshold trip voltage.
When S2 is closed, the input is pulled down to about 1 volt, well below the trigger trip voltage.
The input is the green line in the timing diagram. The output in the red line.
Ignore V2 and V3. They are there to run the simulation.