How to do diagram LED flashing for BIKE

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Hello all...

Im have bike...Using 12V,right bike using standard bulb...have 2 filamen..

When the engine ON, dim lighting. When you press the break, brighter light ...
So I want to create from ordinary bulbs to LED.
When the engine on, light goes on. But when we press the break, he would wink at high speed. then he stop immediately, and continue to flash ..
Like F1 cars. he will sparkle, then stop blinking.

So any idea how can I do?
You did not give a very detailed first post. It is very hard to help you if we can not understand what you want. I think that you want a dim light when the engine is running but the intensity will increase when the brake is pressed. Correct me if I am wrong but you did not give us much to work with.
Yes...correct...but when i pressed brake,it will flash...

This is lamborghini Reventon rear lamp when idle..
YouTube - Lamborghini Reventon LED Taillamp Refresh Anomaly

When i pressed brake,he will flash...


p/s:Sorry for my bad english..
Ok, so the LED is flashing when you press the brake and you want it to stay on. The simplest solution would be to place a large value capacitor across the supply to the LED. This will smooth out the power supply and keep the voltage constant, this should prevent any flashing of the LED.
Yes...That true...

This example for my LED

**broken link removed**

This led have no need use Resistor...12V ready,so i want use 6 LED in same time...

Large value capacitor???did u means must put capacitor every LED?
here is a quick schematic, the switch shown is most likely a transistor or a relay. The capacitor needs to be placed before the switch because the charge held in it could keep the LEDs on for long after the switch is opened.


  • LED Light Schematic.jpg
    6.2 KB · Views: 266
Tail light

Is this what you want it to do?


  • lamp.PNG
    7.4 KB · Views: 219
I think we are confused. Do you want it to flash (blink) when you put the brake on?
No problem. So here is what I think you want.
1- When lights are on the tail light is on.
2- When brake is on tail light flashes brighter for maybe 15 times.
3- After flashes brake light stays on but stops flashing.
4- When brake is released brake light goes off but tail light stays on.
Is it correct?

3- After flashes brake light stays on but stops flashing.-Yes,then will continue flash until i released my brake...

Let see>>>I press my brake,tail light will flash 15 times(more faster is good)>>stop flashing but light stays on maybe 1 or 2 second>>>>Then continue flashing>>>stop flashing>>flashing....until i released my brake...

When i released my brake,tail light is still ON but no flashing....

I hope u understand..thank for help..
here is a quick schematic, the switch shown is most likely a transistor or a relay. The capacitor needs to be placed before the switch because the charge held in it could keep the LEDs on for long after the switch is opened.

Well done!

The cap remains fully charged when the switch is opened with the LEDs extinguishing abruptly.

Better place it behind the switch to have the LEDs fade out slowly.

That's what you had on mind, didn't you?

It is illegal in Canada to tamper with the lighting on a vehicle. Kids used LED lights on their little Honda cars and nobody could see them at night.
Police impound a car with "different" lighting.

How many drivers will understand that a blinking bright light at the rear of a vehicle is the brake light?? Nobody! CRASH!
Ok, what I thought was the LEDs were flashing due to voltage ripple and you wanted to eliminate the ripple. In that case, disregard the previous schematic.

I just read audioguru's post, you should check local laws regarding vehicle lights. I doubt that it is legal anywhere because as audioguru said, nobody would understand a flashing light as a brake light.
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Hye audioguru....In malaysia,can use this light...Lorry and bus have install this lamp on tail lamp..Very2 help for people in Malaysia..

So how to do this light??
How many drivers will understand that a blinking bright light at the rear of a vehicle is the brake light?? Nobody! CRASH!

Here in Arizona (heck, everywhere in America, for that matter), you see a ton of people with no brake lights at all. Guess what - if you hit them, you're at fault. While working brake lights are required by law, it is up to the driver behind a vehicle without brake lights (or with their brake lights obscured - such as when towing a trailer without lights) to watch for braking.

With that said, I have seen some vehicles (newer models, mainly - though I suspect some are aftermarket kits) that have a flashing third light; its very distinctive, and should probably be standard equipment (buses have them too); when the brake is applied, the third light flashes several times, then stays on; when the brake is released, it turns off.

This isn't what the OP wants; they want it to continue to flash - yes, you could build such a circuit (you could probably do it with a 556; definitely with a PIC), but it would probably be cheaper to purchase the aftermarket kit to do the same thing, unless you have some spare 556 and more time than money (or if you are planning on selling them?)...

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