How to do diagram LED flashing for BIKE

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I don't think we should discuss a circuit that is illegal to use in parts of the world.
I can read a schematic and Solder. But I'm not some clever..
I will try...

Is hard to do??

Love DIY..
Yes a 555 will maybe work, but a few more questions.
I understand your LED's have resistors. You want to use 6 so we need to know how much current or power each one uses. We may need more power than just a 555.

We need to know if the signal to your lights is the negitive side of the battery or the positive side. Usually it is the negitive side, but we should make sure. In other words, is the +12 volts always at your lamps now and ground is added by the brake switch to turn the lamp on?
I think we will make it so they always flash when the brake is on. It is easier.
Ok sir...

For LED,i think is use around 0.5 watt or less

On my socket bulb for tail light,have 3 wire...1 for Engine ON,1 for Brake and another 1 for ground...

So i think,i want use wire from Engine On to link each LED,and same time 1 wire from Brake will link each LED also..

"Y Concept",That means..2 wire will connected then join each LED...So u think must use DIOD 5408??

Or u have any idea??thank for help sir..

Try this. Hope it is what you are looking for and that it works ok.


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Goggle: flashing third brake light lamp

Here's mine, that I've used in three different vehicles. Flashes several times, than stays on. Adjustable flash time and rate.



  • BrakeLight.gif
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**broken link removed**
Some part i not understand..

So what i know:

So can u all explain to me what is:
With picture if can...

And explain also Red BOX and Green BOX..

What different this diagram??which want more easy to make??
The Brake Light circuit can be simplified to this:
**broken link removed****broken link removed**


  • BrakeLight.gif
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U1 is an integrated circuit: **broken link removed**
Q1 is an NPN bipolar transistor:
R6 and R1 are trimmer potentiometers, similar to: Bourns 2.5MegΩ 3/8" Square Trimming Potentiometer-The Electronic Goldmine
Q2 is a P-Channel Power MOSFET:

We used different approaches to achieve the same end result.

Attached is the layout for mine on a PCB program, but is proportioned sized for a 0.1" x 0.1" perf board. That's what I actually used, with point-to-point hand wiring.



  • BrakeFlash.gif
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Thanks! An insert error. The original was a darlington.

Corrected schematic attached.



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So, can you post your circuit? Is the apparent erratic flash rate in the video due to the mixing of the flash rate and the video frame rate?

I don't think moderators ever close threads...unless they violate Forum rules.

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