how to have from 0.03 to 0.9 Volts DC output and 0.1 microamps (100nanoamps)?

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But the problem with your scheme is that your high-value current-limiting resistor will also reduce the voltage being applied.
It has a max of 0.5V or 150nA.

I assume the source of the technology may be here Dr Robert O. Becker: Silver Iontophoresis (Regeneration by Silver Ions), in which case he uses a power source in series with a very high value resistor resistor which shares/suffers the phenomenon described above.

What does the OP want? A source with a rectangular V-I characteristic?
wow. I can't even follow anymore... but yes, absolutely, it's silver iotonphoresis, well, not really it's more like induced mitosis, but anyway, I know he improved his device again and again over the years but I can't find schematics anywhere, and I have already done the kind of first steps I wanted to do (i.e, remove my mercury fillings, leave the teeth open without anymore replacement fillings) and now I would like to apply that current with a silver nylon fabric see if something happens but I have no idea how to build it!..
I think finding a solution to the electrical part of the process is the least of your problems at this point ... especially if you plan on messing around with your own teeth!
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I don't even want to think of the possible pain that having a mess of open cavities without fillings in you teeth would cause.
I'm guessing that carbonzit mentioned something it not being wise to leave large open holes in your teeth... If you're worried about the mercury in the amalgam fillings, you can sometimes get a resin/ceramic (or gold if you're rich) filling instead.

As you asked for the schematic of what I described (via PM), here it is.

I'm pessimistic re expecting results (i.e. regeneration of tooth) from this procedure but you're of course entitled to have a go.


  • simple-src.png
    2.3 KB · Views: 215
Actually it will be two years now and my 13 totally opened teeth have already regrown a small amount of dentine and everything is going very well. I was myself worried in the beginning though. I read a lot and it really appeased my concerns. I am thinking of giving some classes as how I managed to have extremely sound teeth ( much more than with fillings), the importance of fruits, contrary to what is said about their sugar content, a (very strict) raw vegan food diet, and keeping your protein and fat intake quite low (around 5%). Maybe it will change in the future and I will run into problems later who knows... but for the moment I am very satisfied with the results. I know it is very unusual though , for sure. Thank you very much for the diagram, I am not too overenthusiastic myself over the results that the apparel might give but I would very much like to try anyway. It is very important to me so I really want to thank you dougy83 and carbonzit for helping me out.
1. The word you're looking for is "apparatus", not apparel. (Apparel is something you wear, an article of clothing.)

2. I can tell you what's worked on my teeth to build up enamel, which is stannous fluoride (or sodium fluoride). I've been using it for many years now, and it really does seem to bind to tooth enamel (as an analog of calcium). This process is well-known. Don't know if understanding the electrochemistry of this would help you in your project or not.
Thank you, I am not totally familiar with the language, I am french.
Well your English is better than many native speakers.

Stannous fluoride (i.e. tin (II) fluoride) and sodium fluoride are not the same thing with the latter already present in pretty much all off-the-shelf toothpastes (in Australia anyway). There are other fluorides that are apparently beneficial to enamel protection & restoration also.
oh. How should I do to have only a positive offset at the anode, please?
Positive offset relative to what? The negative terminal must connect somewhere also or there won't be any current flowing.

Can't you connect the return electrode somewhere?
hmm I'm not sure what is meant by : "the positive pole of a silver electrode in a low current circuit" and "use "positive current"", "use the silver anode ( positive pole )", nor how to determine : "100 to 200 nanoamps of electrical current per centimeter of electrode". I forgot to say it had to be per centimeter of electrode...
Images from the previously mentioned paper showing electrode placement
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It says the negative electrode can go on the skin; for best effect it should be on the opposite side of (i.e. behind) the wound.

Re your other questions:
The posted circuit will not cause negative spikes.
For a 1cm electrode & 100nA/cm, you need 100nA. For 2cm, you'd need 200nA.
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You have the papers/articles, so feel free to read them and to try to understand them.
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