How to reset this ic without any switch....

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OK friend thanks for your advice but I have seen this transformer-less power supply in many instruments / product as it is cost effective.

My relay :

Resistance : 200 ohms
Voltage : 12 volt
Contact : 10 Ampere
it is cost effective.
What has that to do with safety? I repeat: it is potentially lethal.
Ignore my advice at your peril. I doubt I will be hearing from you again.
BTW, why did you reincarnate yourself as Jammy, Yusuf?
Alec Have two account on this forum because sometimes I can't post with my yusuf account So I have created another jammy account for emergency.

well, So is there any alternative idea to make power supply which is safe..
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It will probably be cheaper, and more reliable, to buy a 12VDC wall-wart type supply rather than to make your own. If you intend to use that to power the timing part of your circuit as well as the relay (though I would advise you to use a fresh 6V or 9V battery instead for the timing part, to reduce noise pick-up) then you will also need a voltage regulator (e.g. 7805) and smoothing/decoupling capacitors.
Thanks alec for your help...
If you would be near me in india then i should give you gifts for helping me..
Because you have helped me a lot.. But i am sorry because i can't send gifts outside the india..

Friend now I want to create : 10 minutes ON and 30 minutes OFF timer..
Do you have circuit or how do i make this alec.. Any idea..
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Glad to have helped.
I suggest you start a new thread for this new timer. The present thread has got rather long !
Ok Alec I have created a new thread with name : Help required to complete ????

Please come there and help....
Hi alec...
How are you !

Fried my battery was low so I replaced with new 10 volt battery..

but the problem As I connect the battery the 3hr timer starts to run without
clock pluse or manual start ...

But If I use the 9v old battery which gives something 7 volt(because it is old)..

The 3hr timer doesn't starts untill I manually start or untill it gets clock pluse..
As it gets clock pluse it starts to run...

But with new one battery it starts as I connect the battery...

I hope this is a big problem !!

Thanks for your co-operation uptill now !

Thanks in advance !



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