I cannot supply my 5volt relay.

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New Member
I have used a 5volt relay in my project.in one pins of supply there is 4.6 volt dc and in another supply pin there is 1.5 volt therefore the relay cannot work.how can i solve this problem.
Mr_meity said:
I have used a 5volt relay in my project.in one pins of supply there is 4.6 volt dc and in another supply pin there is 1.5 volt therefore the relay cannot work.how can i solve this problem.

The relay might work on the 4.6. Otherwise, get a 4V or 3V relay, or a simple switcher from 4.6V to 5V.
You need to use a bigger, bolder font. That will make your relay work for you. Or you could shout at it, the louder the better. Always works for me.
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