Thank you all for your kind assistance so far. I'm pleased to say I've found the time to begin this project and have already hit a snag. Following one circuit, it states a resistor should be 1/4 Watt so I googled resistor wattage and learnt, for my 18V, I may require up to 1.5Watt.
I cannot find how to determine a resistor's Watt rating - I assume the "standard" resistors I have collected are of the lower 1/8 or 1/4W. How can I tell and more importantly be sure I obtain the correct Wattage for my circuit?
Secondly, as I require two different voltage outputs from the same source, is it ok to just make the two seperate voltage regulator circuits and connect their inputs in parallel to the source or can they share some components like the Diode and Capacitors?