I Need Automatic Switch My 220V Supply

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I M From Pakistan Where Electiricty Failair Is Too My I Have Susbstitute Supply Through Generator But When My Electric Goes I Have To Change My Power Source Through Switch Manual I Want To Use Relay To Connect My Generator Supply Automatically Without Wasting Time If Its Possible Then Please Help Me And Give Me Some Circuite Designe And Detailed Diagram.

I Want Use My Generator Supply In The Same Mathod Like Ups Work

Waiting For Your Help

Does your generator start by itself after detecting that mains power has gone away? If not, then an auto-switch as you desire doesn't really help much as you have to go out and start the generator anyway, and let it stabilize for a few minutes before switching the load.

Most auto-start generators (are expensive and) already have provision for switching the load once it's ready.
If your generator is NOT auto-starting after power failure, you would need to design a system to accomplish the following tasks:

1) You need a standby power source for starting the generator and powering some circuits, e.g. a battery well of appropriate size,

2) A mains-failure detection circuit to send a signal to the electric starter on your generator (or which shocks some standby servant boy to yank the pull starter). Said circuit must discriminate whether the failure is a brown-out (voltage sag) or black-out of sufficient duration to start the generator,

3) A timer circuit allowing Mr. Generator time to warm up and stabilize (and a circuit to monitor whether it's stable),

4) A circuit to drive a contactor (heavy duty relay) to switch your house (or other load) to the generator.

5) A circuit to detect when mains power comes back, and is sufficiently stable,

6) A circuit to reverse all the above once the proper conditions are met.

Also, for such a system, one would need to provide for very regular maintenance of the generator. That is, making sure fuel and oil levels are always appropriate, and exercising the unit at proper intervals, etc...
Thanks Buddy For Your Help But This Circuite I Need For My Office Where My Building PPL Taking Good Care Of Generator And I Got The Generator Power As The Light Go But To Change Over My Office Main Switch From Electricity To Generator Power And When Electricity Power Come Back Swich Back To Generator To Electoricty Can U Designe This Circuit For Me

Rite Now I M Doing It Manualy By Using Change Over Switch But It Take Me Couple Of Minute To Go To Main Board And Changeover I Want This Procedure To Be Done By Automatic Circuite
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All you need is a mains voltage AC relay, with double pole changeover contacts - connect the coil to the generator output, when the generator starts the relay switches over.
Thanks for your prompt and keen response can u please make the diagram how to connect generator and how to connect AC 220 and how to connect my load

Is There any other way beside relay like ic, transister based circuite because

Disadvantages of Relays
Being mechanical though, relays do have some disadvantages over other methods of electrical isolation:

Their parts can wear out as the switch contacts become dirty - high voltages and currents cause sparks between the contacts.
They cannot be switched on and off at high speeds because they have a slow response and the switch contacts will rapidly wear out due to the sparking.
Their coils need a fairly high current to energise, which means some micro-electronic circuits can't drive them directly without additional circuitry.
The back-emf created when the relay coil switches off can damage the components that are driving the coil. To avoid this, a diode can be placed across the relay coil, as will be seen in any Electronics in Meccano circuits that use relays with sensitive components.
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The 220V relays AC coil is driven by the mains current, it's also the best solution to your problem IMO. A solid state device will cost much much more if you expect it to handle any high current.
How many watts are the spotlights? Computers are Laptops, desktops, CRT or LCD?

That's a small office you're trying to run. What wattage can the generator deliver?
I Have Computer Showroom So I Cant Tel U Specefic Load And Watt Some Time I Use 5 Desk Top Some Time 10 Laptop Some Time Just One Desk Top So Load Varry
Well you have to find a relay that can handle the worst case else you'll burn it out or pit the contacts and it'll get hot and may catch fire.
Something really large as it's a showroom and you should hire an electrician if you're not qualified else smoke and fire are a real possibility.
A big 220V 50A DPDT relay can supply a standard home, not sure where you can get one though.
Thanks But I Will Be Greatfull If U Make Some Diagram To Install Relay And I M Sure 50 Amp Will Be Okay Coz My Breakter Is Also 50 Amp
Automatic Mains Failure Module ATS004SP

Hi Kash,
you can do your change-overs automatically if you fit an Automatic Transfer Switch ATS004SP.You can find it on Automatic Generator Control Module website.
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