incubator circuit help*

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birds eggs need to be turned half way round a couple of times a day.
Dunno why, i think it helps the development somehow.
(turned around the length axis)
Best of luck with it,

Hi John,

turning over is easily explained. You turn over about 80 times while sleeping just for the reason, that blood flow is decellerated at spots with weigth on them.

The number is mentioned in a medical report about sleeping habits of humans.
Also unborn alligators and chicken need to turned over from to time. The amount of movement is of minor importance. Most important is movement at all.

A hen will do only the most necessary. Turning an egg around the vertical axis the hen will get a sore a...

The file format boncuk used is Eagle software. I tried to convert the files to an image format for you. Let's see if this works.

Hi Mike,

did you not find the PCB layout in the file?

BTW this circuit was done for a forum member in Africa. Unfortunately he fell victim to rebels before he could finish the circuit.

Hi Mike,

did you not find the PCB layout in the file?

BTW this circuit was done for a forum member in Africa. Unfortunately he fell victim to rebels before he could finish the circuit.


That is sad and such a shame about the forum member.

I did see the PCB file in the zip, was not sure how to open that one as I have only used Eagle twice now.
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Ok, I think I figured this out sorta kinda. I think this is the layout file courtesy of Boncuk. Hey Boncuk, if I did not post it correctly please explain to me what I should correct, or better yet please post the correct drawing as I am still a Eagle Noob

Now I have used Eagle 3 times

My experience is in Mentor and Viewlogic.



  • layoutinc.png
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wow, you speak tagalog?? nice walang ano man ^^

I use to live in the PI for 3 years. I picked up a few phrases along the way. It really served little purpose as all the locals could speak English. The only use I found was when dealing with the local merchants, that way they new I was not a tourist. They use to call me istation ditto or something like that

Sa muling pagkikita ( Means see you later)
That is sad and such a shame about the forum member.

I did see the PCB file in the zip, was not sure how to open that one as I have only used Eagle twice now.

Hi Mike,

no problem at all. Everybody is sometimes new to some business. If you open a schematic using eagle just select "window" and from there select "board". That's it. (provided that a board was made before)

Hi Mike,

no problem at all. Everybody is sometimes new to some business. If you open a schematic using eagle just select "window" and from there select "board". That's it. (provided that a board was made before)


That is one way to do it, but the problem is that in Windows programs, you have to think just a hair harder to be sure which windows the numeric hotkeys on the Windows menu refer to. If you load the board first, then switching to the board is ALT-1. If you load the schematic first, then switching to the board is ALT-2, and requires that the board layout already exist.

It's only really an issue if you use a lot of keyboard commands. I do, so I prefer to use File|Switch to board. That way, the keyboard command to switch to the board is always ALT-F-W--and when you're on the board, the command to switch to the schematic is always ALT-F-W as well. Also, if the board has not yet been created, this command asks you whether you want to create it first. With the Windows menu, the option to go to the board doesn't exist at all until the board exists, and it won't automatically ask you to create it.


I hate pushing the mouse and switch to the keyboard. Therefor I use the mouse for almost all functions in Eagle.

You must have overlooked the last sentence in my post. It said clearly that switching the window to "board" a board must exist.

Hi kyrie2,

I have modified the PCB layout of the circuit and overall the size has shrunk a bit and the traces are wider.

If you unzip the attached file you should get three different files as a result. The schematic, the PCB and and a suggestion how to build the incubator box.

Use only as many heating elements (high current resistors) as necessary. Although the temperature will be controlled the air stream might be too hot and hitting the eggs directly they will fry instead being bred.



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I hate pushing the mouse and switch to the keyboard. Therefor I use the mouse for almost all functions in Eagle.

I hate moving my hand off the keyboard if I don't have to--wastes time. If a program doesn't have decent keyboard support I usually move to one which does unless there is no other option. One of the nicer things about the Eagle editor interface being a relic of the pre-window-system days is that pretty much everything can be done without ever using the mouse (but moving/placing things without the mouse takes a wizard, and I haven't got that far with it yet.)

You must have overlooked the last sentence in my post. It said clearly that switching the window to "board" a board must exist.

Nope, didn't miss it--that's why I addressed it. I just meant that ALT-F-W takes care of that by offering to create the board for you.

I don't mean to imply that one way is better--as I said, it all depends on who's using it. I'm just offering an alternative, which works (slightly) better for folks like me who like to stay on the keyboard.

i know kyrie2!
tang ina! good work kyrie2!
well i've had the same problem tryin to construct such a control but luck wasnt on my side...till now ofcorse!

i know kyrie2!
tang ina!good work man
well i've had the same problem trying to construct a similar control circuit
thanx guys
salamat ulit!
uhmm, mr.bancok, i can't open the file, coz i dont have anysoftware(EAGLE) that can read the file that u send to me, could anyone convert it to a image file?? sorry for the bother. thank you thanx to mikebits and bancok
I just meant that ALT-F-W takes care of that by offering to create the board for you.Torben

Looks pretty much like twisted fingers at the end of the procedure.

I just type "board;" quicker than that crooked key combination.
uhmm, mr.bancok, i can't open the file, coz i dont have anysoftware(EAGLE) that can read the file that u send to me, could anyone convert it to a image file?? sorry for the bother. thank you thanx to mikebits and bancok

If you just use an image that doesn't help much to make a PCB. You will have to use Eagle for 1:1 scaled printed output of the copper side, which can be done using Eagle. (The complete PCB layout contains the silk screen (parts layer) If you print both of them on the PCB it will be full of short circuits.

You can download the free version of Eagle 5.0 at
The board size limitation is 80X80mm which is OK in that particular case. The board is much smaller than that.

I will import the files to version 4.16 and zip again. Files created using 4.16 can be imported by version 5.0.


thank you for the help, so i'll just download it from that website
thank you very much ^^ thank you ^^
Looks pretty much like twisted fingers at the end of the procedure.

I just type "board;" quicker than that crooked key combination.

You must have a Dvorak keyboard layout then. Thumb on Alt, index finger on F, ring finger on W. No twisting; all fingers but the right ring finger in home position.

I do like the fact that the editor commands can be just typed in as you say, and that you only have to type enough of a command to uniquely identify it. For 'board' all you need to do is type "b+Enter" and you're there. Faster than either of our earlier mentioned methods.


For 'board' all you need to do is type "b+Enter" and you're there. Faster than either of our earlier mentioned methods.


Oh yes, I have an 'Enter' on my keyboard too, but it's at the far right side next to the numeric block. (a one day trip away) There is another key though, but it looks suspicious - like a detour traffic sign with an angled off arrow. Never tried that. Maybe it is the trigger for the self destruct circuit.

BTW, I was awarded for the fastest type writer in Germany some years ago. (840 characters per minute, no capitals). It takes four top secretaries to do the same. Got a free OLYMPIA type writer from the company too.



Hmm...I'm not sure. Better not press it, just in case.

BTW, I was awarded for the fastest type writer in Germany some years ago. (840 characters per minute, no capitals). It takes four top secretaries to do the same. Got a free OLYMPIA type writer from the company too.



Woah. That's a very impressive score. I didn't even know there were competitions for that.

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