I've spent a couple of hours working through those displays & values, but nothing definite yet.
I'm feeling a little guilty here, seeing how much time you've spent on this. I appreciate it very much ... thank you.
One has a lot of correlation between the data and the hex value - but reading the other in the same way has next to none...
I was amazed when you found any ... I'd just seen it as an impossible task.
What are the decimal numbers visible around the tags in one of the early pictures - are they the same things you are reading? The numbers you give do not seem to match that format.
I didn't take note of the tag I used in the first image ... but I only have 3 of them.
If the first image wasn't from either of the tags listed in the second lot of photos ... it would be from #3 ... DEC 116153294
When I did that second lot of photos and noted the numbers, I was very careful to match images with their particular tag ... so I'm 100% certain I didn't mix them up ... in fact I left the 3rd tag in the bag just to avoid that possibility.
One thing that I did wonder about ... on some tag readers, the decimal number has 3 leading 0's ... but on others it doesn't ... so I'm hoping that might not be the cause for confusion. I should have mentioned that earlier ... but I have always assumed it was because of the format of the particular reader and not the tag.
I don't seem to recall extra 0's associated with the HEX number that some other readers display.
Even if we can't work out how to read tags on this particular system atm ... the discussion has opened my eyes to the prospect of using a logic analyzer to investigate further.