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Is this as dangerous as it sounds?

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Judging by your avatar you seem to have an alter ego, LG?
Now that is well weird! I am going to have to join and point it out, BRB as i want to see how many places that pic is! I picked it off the net after i thought it time for a change, it made me laugh. Now lets go do a google and see where its turned up :D
Seems a common pic particularly on dog sites! He joined 2014 so not sure if its always been his pic. i am a member there but rarely visit, i might pop on at some point and ask when he put the pic up. If its recent i will keep mine but i will change mine if he has had it for a while, shame as i liked it. Well spotted though!

And just because i know some are paranoid, its easy to go ask a mod there to check the ip's you will find mine for the last few years mainly resolves to the same company but i am sure its a non static ip. i am pretty sure it resolves to the mobile phone company so the location should be different to my address, i havnt checked my ip in a long time but it did come up as a London address for a very long time, the mobile company is 3 and we tether because of poor Broad band coverage from fixed lines.

Out of interest would a mod from here mind asking one of there to check the ips for me please? The account i use there should resolve to the same company as my ip here, and there ip should be different. I only ask because i have some stuff going on and having 'proof' i have two accounts is not going to help! I dont have two accounts there but it sure gonna look like it to the troll who is making my life hell at the moment!
Now thats really odd! I wonder if its been done on purpose?? take a look at my image on there, its gone!! I no longer have any avatar on there and when i did a search for thread alerts none came up, and yet i havnt been on there for months! Well not since necro post thread and vote time. It shows me as on today but i had to log in to see my profile...................I now have an idea who has been following me around latetly, on the software who apart from the user can delete a avatar? I think i had my old avatar on there but now i dont have any.

This might not be making sense, sorry! But its making a bit of sense to me, i havnt posted here for a while or on any electronic sites, i have been trolled like foof on the net so keeping my head down at the mo
Nice to see you back LG. I was wondering if you were OK. :wideyed:

Nice to see you back LG. I was wondering if you were OK. :wideyed:

Keeping low profile! so far no trolling on here but other places and through the post etc its been a nightmare!! I will be back, the avatar thing thing makes me paranoid with all thats going on. even more strange is my profile on the other place no longer even has an avatar, maybe stretching it a bit but might be a connection with some other stuff going on. Be in touch soon.
This may seem obvious, but why not contact the mods on AAC and ask them to explain what is going on.

UPDATE: I see now that you have already mentioned doing this. :banghead:

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I thought you'd forgotten about us now you have a lady in your life!
I thought you'd forgotten about us now you have a lady in your life!
Jealous? :D

About that LG's avatar, if it's not your dog, what's the big fuzz? It could be like hundreds people avatar. Even I have alter egos named "fezder" in some places.
Of course if alter ego ruins "real ones" reputation with complete BS stories, that is other story.
I didt freak out when I noticed multiple fezder's around :D
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Jealous? :D

About that LG's avatar, if it's not your dog, what's the big fuzz? It could be like hundreds people avatar. Even I have alter egos named "fezder" in some places.
Of course if alter ego ruins "real ones" reputation with complete BS stories, that is other story.
I didt freak out when I noticed multiple fezder's around :D
LOL Fedz is not about the dog! The dog is some random pic i found funny!

What is odd is i have had to stop posting for a while both here and other places, i am getting mail both email and post mail of a odd nature. I have had a really bad time with a troll (i think its a troll??). To the point they have called my school and altered my code for my school card, [we have a card that opens your classroom doors and put money on it for vending machines at school etc, you need the card AND a code when using it].

As for the young lady..................her laptop was repaired quickly and to her satisfaction. We are getting on very well, i nearly said we have fixed many things together to her satisfaction, but knowing some of the minds of here...............i didnt. :D
This seems to coincide with your closer relations with a certain young lady. This is pure speculation, but is someone jealous and as a result trying to get you. Many people have suffered this, even before the days of computers. Sometimes the perpetrators are most unlikely- a teacher perhaps?

This seems to coincide with your closer relations with a certain young lady. This is pure speculation, but is someone jealous and as a result trying to get you. Many people have suffered this, even before the days of computers. Sometimes the perpetrators are most unlikely- a teacher perhaps?

This is slightly sinister though, I am popping up all over the net! Some of the stuff posted even I would think was me, it starts ok then gets nasty. No idea why I am being targeted, dont really want the police involved but last few days things have got scary and not just online.

If it was just me I wouldnt give a ****, but its affecting other people.
Hmm- this could be bad. On a specific point though, there was nothing onerous in the AAC posts- or have I missed it? The only thing there was the use of doggie as an avatar when you boil it down.

Have you thought about precautions on the security side- bank accounts, credit cards etc?

Have you told 'L'? Are there any incites from that direction?

I actually think the AAC thing is simple coincidence, it isnt written like I write and looks to be innocent. I think maybe switching software could be the reason I have no avatar there. What made me twitch was the shear number of places i am popping up, not with the same avatar but normally with the same name or one others would associate with me, the posts start off ok and some are written in a style very close to mine. Then after a bit the poster (my dopple ganger), gets abusive and nasty. Often ending in a ban or whatever, dosnt matter as such as some of the posts are on things like sewing sites!! But the engineering sites do bother me, some I am not a member of and some I am.

The poster knows a great deal about me, so my concern is slowly my credibility (ok LMAFAO) is being eaten away. Thats one aspect, the other is more serious. There are other real world things going on, several potentially serious and all look to have my finger prints on (metaphorically). Even a posting on a revenge pawn site!! With pics of supposedly you know who, the pics were fake but the facebook page info of her account was not.............. And the posters details match mine.
Sounds like a nasty case of cyber-stalking, the sort that gets dramatised in film/tv. It might be worth getting the police involved since it is affecting your real life.
I actually think the AAC thing is simple coincidence, it isnt written like I write and looks to be innocent. I think maybe switching software could be the reason I have no avatar there. What made me twitch was the shear number of places i am popping up, not with the same avatar but normally with the same name or one others would associate with me, the posts start off ok and some are written in a style very close to mine. Then after a bit the poster (my dopple ganger), gets abusive and nasty. Often ending in a ban or whatever, dosnt matter as such as some of the posts are on things like sewing sites!! But the engineering sites do bother me, some I am not a member of and some I am.

The poster knows a great deal about me, so my concern is slowly my credibility (ok LMAFAO) is being eaten away. Thats one aspect, the other is more serious. There are other real world things going on, several potentially serious and all look to have my finger prints on (metaphorically). Even a posting on a revenge pawn site!! With pics of supposedly you know who, the pics were fake but the facebook page info of her account was not.............. And the posters details match mine.
OMG! Time for the cops.

Reminds of mine case when someone had rented student apartment, or what you call it, on my name, with my social number, on a place I've never heard and where I never been. Still I got bill of undue rent...
My signature was that proofed that I wasn't the one who rented it, it was some idiot who decided to use mine information when getting rental apartment.

LG, this sounds serious, I too vote for cops, if they can do anything.
Reminds of mine case when someone had rented student apartment, or what you call it, on my name, with my social number, on a place I've never heard and where I never been. Still I got bill of undue rent...
My signature was that proofed that I wasn't the one who rented it, it was some idiot who decided to use mine information when getting rental apartment.

That is worrying.:arghh:

LG, this sounds serious, I too vote for cops, if they can do anything.

That is a point- if they can/will do anything.:(

In the 1970s we bought a house off plan, so we were definitely the only family of husband, wife and two kids that ever lived there. Our finances were also impeccable. In the UK there are two main credit agencies. Quite by chance I checked on our address (they go by address not name) and there were two court judgements against people at our address.

The poster knows a great deal about me, so my concern is slowly my credibility (ok LMAFAO) is being eaten away. Thats one aspect, the other is more serious. There are other real world things going on, several potentially serious and all look to have my finger prints on (metaphorically). Even a posting on a revenge pawn site!! With pics of supposedly you know who, the pics were fake but the facebook page info of her account was not.............. And the posters details match mine.

This sounds like L related, either local and probably known to one or both of you who's objectives have been thwarted by the liaison, or some sad cyber neurotic, who has a view about the liaison. I don't mean to offend you, but it may just be someone that you have upset on the net- you are inclined to be direct :D (not a criticism).

I dated a girl at RAF Honington in Suffolk UK, and was subject to all sorts of rumors and smears by a bloke that had designs on her. He even ended up attacking her.

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If the culprit knows enough about you to use your real name, know about the school card system and call the school they're most likely someone associated with the school. Wouldn't they also have needed to know the original card code in order to change it? That should narrow the field. Are you aware of anyone who is envious/jealous of your technical skills or recent friendship?
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