No, Sorry,
I have no mike, i do intend to get one and fix up one of the voice systems.
But it will have to wait.
Also i think this sort of thing is best done in the open forums.
Okay, i looked at the picture of your buzzer/siren.
Yes, one lead is red, that is to indicate positive.
The chances are if you tried it the other way round, that would bust it.
Here is a little picture i have drawn.
Before you put it together with springs, are the springs spaced decently apart?
we dont want any of them touching each other.
The wire you may be using ...
is it insulated wire, which you bare the end a little way for the contact ?
Its not just lengths of bare wire is it ?
Do you reckon you could link up the siren and a transistor like that ?
If you do so it should not operate the siren yet.