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lawnmower almost fixed (maybe)

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New Member
This is interesting.

I did an electricity test on my lawnmower with the following scenarios:

I connected the spark plug socket to a vice grip that conducts electricity. then I connected it to the gas tank. when I pulled the cord on the lawnmower, I saw sparks fly off the gas tank about every 1/2 a second. This makes me think that the magneto circuit is working properly.

When I replaced the vice grip with the spark plug and left the other end of the spark plug hanging, and I tried starting the engine, no sparks came out. Do I need to connect the other end of the spark plug to something to test it?

I don't have a spark plug tester. Is there any way I can make a say a 6 or 9V circuit that tests spark plugs?
Probably not a good idea to induce a spark around your petrol tank :roll:

You have the plug removed from the engine and still attached to the ht lead right? then just rest the threaded part of the plug against the engine or somewhere free of paint. You should notice a spark between the plugs end electrodes. Didn't you say it was a new plug? it should be ok providing you have not dropped it on the ground and not opened the gap too much, about .025" should suffice. Why did you start a new thread?
Sorry for jumping in here but I like to know was the spark white/light blue or red/orange coloured?
The spark was light blue.

After checking everything I can think of, the stupid lawnmower doesn't work! When I pull the cord hard, It sounds as if the engine wants to run, but it dies down instantly.

The best I can get when I tried starting it is one or if I am lucky, two pops.

Why doesn't it just give me several pops, and turn on like it used to?
Lawnmowers are stupid simple.

Did you drain all the gas out of it before you let it sit in the garage all winter? Or did you let it sit in there basically turning to turpintine and ruining the carbrator and what not?

the choke broken? (if there is one), and is the primer working properly? (if there is one... normally says "push 3 times before starting mower")
The gas tank was if anything, 1/4 full throughout winter.

If that was the case, then why does my lawnmower almost start now, and it worked well one week ago?
eh, does it take straight gasoline, or do you gotta mix something in with it? maybe you put to high of octane gas in it and blew a seal or something...
It takes gas and oil, but they are not supposed to be mixed. Oil goes in one section, gas goes in another.
Eh Chiba,
I've got 5 goats and those ****** things eat everything but grass. If the bloke I rang last week doesn't come and pick em up then they'll be eatin a bullet for dinner. By the way if your in SA do you want them ????

Cheers Bryan
Try some of this, remove the air cleaner and give it a small dose!


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bryan1 said:
Eh Chiba,
I've got 5 goats and those ****** things eat everything but grass. If the bloke I rang last week doesn't come and pick em up then they'll be eatin a bullet for dinner. By the way if your in SA do you want them ????

Cheers Bryan

Lol, ok then, get a couple of sheep to do the lawn and let the goats prune the trees, garden and clothesline :)

ante, sorry mate, couldn't resist :)


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I have a gut feeling that I over-flooded my lawnmower interior in its entirety.

I will have to consistently pull the cord unless there is a better solution.
My dads friend had a problem with a 2 stroke weedwacker. Had spark and everything but it wouldnt run. Turns out the key that holds the flywheel to the shaft was sheared off and the timing was off.

Have you tried adjusting the carb?
It is working now.

One neighbor came and pulled it a few times extra hard. It seemed that it was flooded too much with oil and gas. I also bought an engine cleaner which did the trick.
Hi cheba,

Lol. If you eat enough beans you don’t have to buy a can, just aim with precision or use a funnel backwards! :shock:
mstechca said:
I have a gut feeling that I over-flooded my lawnmower interior in its entirety.

I will have to consistently pull the cord unless there is a better solution.

To fix a flooding, remove spark plug, allow excess fuel to evaporate from combustion chamber for a few minutes, perhaps blow it out with compressed air, replace spark plug, try again.
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