LED Sequencer counter with push button - need expert review

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New Member
I've reviewed as many posts and circuits as I could find in the forum about LED sequencing. I need a circuit that will sequence through 42 LED's a pair at a time with a push button using 21 channels. I used the much referenced Bowden matrix sequence circuit with two 4017 IC's. My circuit adds a second LED at each output so the LED's will light in pairs. I've replaced the 555 timer from many of the examples with a debounced push button circuit and have added a manual reset and an on/off switch. I'm not very experienced with electronics design so I would like help reviewing my circuit for accuracy. Specifically, I am unsure how to calc my new resistor values to ensure I have the right current to light both LED's. I am planning to use a 9V transformer as my power supply. Also, please advise on the pushbutton and reset circuits. I welcome any suggestions for improvement.

Thanks in advance.


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