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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Looking for a sheet that resists

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if were going to talk about theory we might as well cover something that is actually hard to understand. And I mean hard because its complicated, not because you can't stop talking about nonsense. Like for example I don't fully understand in what form an electromagnetic wave travels when it is passing through empty space, but the reason for that problem is that I have seen no explaination, not that I've been given one but insist that its because the invisible ether of space which suspends the planets is wobbling and want an explaination in those terms.

A preview of posts may explain why I don't expect responses from the authors of posts that I reply to. Hopefully by the time that I post this that may have changed. However - and at the risk of getting off topic, I will mention that this thread has begun to address what - if anything, happens - if and when the sinusoidal model of AC breaks down. This possibility causes me to think of this post and two questions. I researched - and I may have been supposed to remember from somewhere - that there are at least two ways of describing the same electromagnetic wave - by waves that are perpendicular to each other. However, I wonder how much this description is accurate when either the amplitude of light approaches infinity and the frequency becomes becomes infinite, or when the amplitude of light becomes infintisimal and the frequency becomes infintesimal. Is there a name for these occurrences? Is it know what types of molecules or compounds absorb them? Can one of these waves - if they can still be considered waves, be absorbed by two? Yes, I'm probably unqualified to ask this type of question. But I think that it is an interesting question.
Nothing, if you don't stick to the wrong ideas. These aren't like hinges and shafts, and they can't really be adjusted. Atoms, and thus, molecules, are all made from a few basic building blocks. electrons, protons and electrons are, except for extreemly rare cases, all the same, every electron has the same charge, the same mass as every other electron. The only things that can vary about any of these particles is their velocity and position. They aren't just very small objects. Once you get to the smallest part theres less variability, you are trying to apply properties that don't apply. Yes, there are different kinds of connections between molecules, and chemists do engineer substances that have coveilent bonds in one place and polar bonds in another to accomplish a certain task, thats what chemical engineering is. But even if you could do that, you couldent make a substance that would move internally on the molecular level but not heat up, because thats what heat IS. Its like saying you want to make something continualy change position along a path, but you dont want it to move.

I know that some compounds are flexible - though I don't know the structure of their moving parts, and how one may be - or be made to be, comparable to a hinge. I'm not sure what functionality you intended to communicate by shaft. Compounds can provide structure, and be discontinuous in such a way as to provide openings. They can also transfer mechanical energy. I can't think of anything else that shafts can do. As far as I know, hinges move in two dimensions. The type of thing that I'm talking about doesn't have to be limited to movement in two dimensions. The moving part just has to be close enough at times to another part whose charge could be made to be involved in continous repelling and accelleration of the moving part. I don't know of any limitations that would prevent such a thing from being made from a compound that was hard, though I don't know how to compare the hard characteristics of such a thing with its flexible characteristics. Perhaps two compounds loosely bonded at a point or along an axis would also work. I was just posing a possibility. I don't know enough about the nature of metallic bonds to say anything more at this time - or if the entire compound would have to have a metallic nature to perform the function that I am interested in.
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There's Nuttier Cakes than Sara Lee Bakes...

Well, you made a comment so I'm going to respond. Actually, I'm just going to guess because you don't answer and questions. Are you claiming that I don't have a functional model of electric conduction?

No. I'm saying that you are deliberately trying to mislead people here about your knowledge and skill in...well, everything, and are doing so for the purpose of dragging people into ridiculous directions with your planned nuttiness.

I'm no Sigmund Freud but, I can think of no reason why someone would do this except to try to garner attention by making a general nuisance of themselves in this way.

BTW: Did you know that Freud was not only a pioneer in psychoanalysis, he was also a bit of a poet? His most famous poem:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I'm a schizophrenic,
And, so am I.

You might do well to do a little introspection of your motives....

Another BTW: Yes, I have answered questions you've asked but, since getting answers is not your goal here, it's not particularly surprising that you would have pretty much just skipped over them and then make that claim.
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This thread has gone totally retarded!

I'm going to give it one more chance.

The problem is, the original poster hasn't been specific enough.

Are there thin sheets of material on the market that have resistance levels - comparable to resistors,
Resistors can be bought in valuse ranging from 500µΩ to 500GΩ, a huge dynamic range - 10^15!

Without specifying a rough resistance range, your question is meaningless.

jasonbe said:
which vary in a well defined relation to units of distance?
What do you mean by distance?

Are you referring to the material dimensions?

Resistance is measured in Ohms per meter, Ωm, which is the resistance of a 1m³ block of the material from end to end.

Without specifying the dimensions your question is meaningless.

Please provide concise and unambiguous responses to the above questions or I shall give up.
No. I'm saying that you are deliberately trying to mislead people here about your knowledge and skill in...well, everything, and are doing so for the purpose of dragging people into ridiculous directions with your planned nuttiness.

I'm no Sigmund Freud but, I can think of no reason why someone would do this except to try to garner attention by making a general nuisance of themselves in this way.

BTW: Did you know that Freud was not only a pioneer in psychoanalysis, he was also a bit of a poet? His most famous poem:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I'm a schizophrenic,
And, so am I.

You might do well to do a little introspection of your motives....

Another BTW: Yes, I have answered questions you've asked but, since getting answers is not your goal here, it's not particularly surprising that you would have pretty much just skipped over them and then make that claim.

Congratulations! You spelled ridiculous correctly!.
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The Picking of Nits

Congratulations! You spelled ridiculous correctly!.

...But, to correctly parse that sentence, you really should have added a comma between, "spelled" and "ridiculous". Hey, if we're gonna get technical here we may as well do it rite.

But, in the interest of full disclosure...I've never actually picked a nit (at least not knowingly). However, I have flicked a flrea and spat on a spider.
I all ready covered the basic type of resistive sheet material and got no real positive response from it either.
This thread is just like the Q & A games little kids play. There may be some infinitesimal learning going on but its not actually much more that a game other wise. :(

I re read the thread in its entirety and I suggest everyone else do the same before posting a single response!;)

If you do I seriously doubt you will find any reason to post anything any way. All reasonable questions have been given reasonable answers that were promptly ignored or twisted by the OP. ;)

This is a game and we are the suckers that keep falling for it one by one! The OP is winning this game because he can rewrite the rules and just ignore what he wants in order to get a new player. ;)

WE are the sheet and he IS the resistance. :eek:

THIS whole thread IS the game! AND the OP has played us all as pawns very well!:eek:




Just my opinion.

I expect the OP to be the next poster unless you didn't re read the entire thread over.
...And, today's lesson is.........

I all ready covered the basic type of resistive sheet material and got no real positive response from it either.
THIS whole thread IS the game!

a) We all have tried to give serious, helpful responses.

b) Duh!


Of course, but it's not every day that you get a chance to evaluate something like this. I hope we are all getting an education by watching this guy's antics. Watch and learn, boys and and learn.

Actually, he's really not very good at it. He doesn't know how enough to figure out how to mask the fact that it is a game. If he was smarter or more clever, it would at least be a little more entertaining than watching him clumsily thrash around like a bull in a china shop.

Kinda pathetic, really (Which, by the way, is a "win" for him. He craves having people tell him he's pathetic). But, that's the nature of analysis...sometimes it's inevitable that you'll give the jerks a few strokes while making an analysis. Oh, my gosh! I just called him a, "jerk". He's in psycho heaven now:mad:. (Normally, I don't like those little icons but, gosh, for this app I'll relent)

Anyway, I apologize for stripping out all your colors and sizing effects from your quotes.

I hope the admin lets this thread continue. Like I say, it's a good learning opportunity.
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What's the big deal?

If someone wants to respond, let them. If you feel they're wasting their time then let them, it's their problem.

This thread could run for another 14 pages for all I care. It wouldn't bother me because I will just continue to ignore it if it doesn't get interesting.
Points made. Continue on. :(

I just figured if he offs himself or some one else some day soon due to so much self loathing and the fact some people kept on feeding his apparent self hatred my hands would be clean of this.

Gee this thread is a little funny at times :)

I just wanted to mention to Jasonbe that a pendulum swing is not a true
sine wave. It can be approximated as a sine wave, but that's it, just
an approximation, not a true sine. I think it was taught as a sine wave
for a while that's where the problem came in. The true solution to the
differential equation is nonlinear and is not sin(wt) or cos(wt).

If i was going to use a resistive sheet to sense position, i think i would first look
into a voltage injected into a point on the sheet surface and analyze the currents
through the four corners to ground, or something like that.
For different pieces, different frequencies could be used, maybe that are not
harmonically related.
The entire waveform could then be analyzed via software and the component
frequencies and their amplitudes picked out, which would determine where
the pieces were on the board.
That might be a starting point anyway.
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Duality of Purpose


If i was going to use a resistive sheet to sense position, i think i would first look
into a voltage injected into a point on the sheet surface and analyze the currents
through the four corners to ground, or something like that.

I had come up with something similar when I suggested a triangular shaped board. I haven't worked out any details but, empirically it seems like there should be a definable point on the surface from analyzing the resistances (from voltage or currents) by triangulation.

By picking a point within the boundaries of a square or rectangular board to inject the voltage/current, you'd essentially be triangulating out to the cirners. The calculaltions would be a little more involved but, really not too much more.

But, the problem that's been stated (more than once) is that physical contact with the resistive material means wear, finger oils and dirt and a basically unreliable connection. It's just a bad idea all around...

...making it a perfect choice for a secondary game. You can guess the "rules" for that one. (he he)
Hi again,

Yes, that's just a starting point. It would be difficult to connect wires to all the
pieces anyway.
Nocturnal Reluctance

How about a bedsheet that resists?

Uhm...that one has been well covered (pardon the pun) and the married guys have had their opportunity to lament about the "resistance" they are getting when it comes to the bedsheets.

But, perhaps they should have been referencing inductors rather than resistors. It seems that it may have all been related more to, reluctance.
A three phase supply with one phase connected to each corner of the triangle?

In the middle there should be 0V, the phase and amplitude should vary at different points of the triangle.
Uhm...that one has been well covered (pardon the pun) and the married guys have had their opportunity to lament about the "resistance" they are getting when it comes to the bedsheets.

But, perhaps they should have been referencing inductors rather than resistors. It seems that it may have all been related more to, reluctance.

If that's the case, unwinding might help to reduce reluctance.
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A three phase supply with one phase connected to each corner of the triangle?

In the middle there should be 0V, the phase and amplitude should vary at different points of the triangle.

Phases suggest AC. Like I say, I haven't really thought it out. It just seems like there should be a way, maybe with op-amps to come up with a matrix to allow a DC measurement, from each "corner" to the other "corners" (corners in quotes since I don't know if the points of a trianble can actually be thought of as corners).

While it may not be useful for a game, perhaps it could be used for something really practical like some sort of aura detector for Scientologists. A rig like that should ramp up the excitement and get, Tom Cruise really jumping around on Oprah's couch.
No. I'm saying that you are deliberately trying to mislead people here about your knowledge and skill in...well, everything, and are doing so for the purpose of dragging people into ridiculous directions with your planned nuttiness.

I'm no Sigmund Freud but, I can think of no reason why someone would do this except to try to garner attention by making a general nuisance of themselves in this way.

BTW: Did you know that Freud was not only a pioneer in psychoanalysis, he was also a bit of a poet? His most famous poem:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I'm a schizophrenic,
And, so am I.

You might do well to do a little introspection of your motives....

Another BTW: Yes, I have answered questions you've asked but, since getting answers is not your goal here, it's not particularly surprising that you would have pretty much just skipped over them and then make that claim.

I may be wrong. Which question did you answer?
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