Looking for a TI chip and a new guy intro!

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New Member
Hi all.

I am obviously new here..hate to start off with a "can you help me post" but that is what brought me here.

In a nut shell (the intro) I have been trying to tech myself some electronics via old arcade games. Thus far I have learned a lot and have had a ball...save for when I screw something up..which is what brought me here!! I have had the occasion to need an obsolete IC. Poking around on the arcade boards is not much help. If you get far beyond the list of super common arcade components (like needing a z80) the help soon dries up. It occurred to me to look for a real electronics oriented board as those folks (you all) would probably have a lead on some places to supply older ICs or other components in small quantities.

Here is what I need. A TI TMS1025N2LC.

I have googled my mouse to death trying to find them. They are out there, by the 10's of thousands. Problem is they are all in the online stores of the big clearing houses wanting me to request a bid for piece counts in the hundreds. I found one shop in Canada listing them but they tell me they no longer had any on the shelf. I figure that there has got to be some place out there that can get, or who has, one or 2.

ANY help would be appreciated...even if it is a lead to another board or group who may have some insight.


I found a few places for a similar part number TMS1025N2L (without the "C" on the end) that appear to sell them in small quantities. Do you know what the difference is?.
The sellers are http://www.donberg.ie (ireland) and http://www.dialelec.com (uk). Postage to the usa may be expensive from those places though.
I have no idea what the C is for. I had no luck turning up a data sheet on the thing. As a matter of fact there was a man looking for the same info back in 2004. He posted on what must be a 1000 forums and news groups looking for the same thing. He did not have any luck either.

I will check out those links but I think you would be right about being cost prohibitive.
Hard to find info on this one.


Part Number = TMS1025N2LC
Manufacturer Name = Texas Instruments
Description = I-O Port Circuit - I/O Expander
Micro Processor Family = 1000
Word Size = 4
Data Transfer Type (S/P) = Parallel
Vsup Nom.(V) Supply Voltage = 5.0
Status = Discontinued
Package = DIP
Pins = 40
Military = N
Technology = CMOS


  • TMS1025_Pinout.gif
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TI part

I did a search for that part, and I found them, like you said, at a few bigger places, like AERI, AAT Tech, Accord Tech and so on. But, they were also at Luke Systems, and they listed smaller qty's, but you'd have to contact them to find out for sure. That's all I've got! Hope it helps!!
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