Magic: The Mini-magic Switchboard should I make it a kit?

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blueroomelectronics said:
I've got to check my junkbox for 6V bulbs. Finally something old that Radio Shack probably stocks. Bulbs & Sockets.

I really think that the screw in bulbs and easy to change switch covers are a big part of the illusion of this device, remember you are trying to involve someone else and their ability to understand the easy to exchange lamps and switch covers makes it all the more frustrating to figure out.

I looked around some on-line for similar lamp sockets but so far nothing that matched what they used. Search continues.

Leftyretro said:
I looked around some on-line for similar lamp sockets but so far nothing that matched what they used. Search continues.

Those screw down lamp holders used to be really common, you might try sources for dolls houses?.

EDIT: Search for 'mes lamp holder', here's one source
**broken link removed**
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OK I will make it so you can use it with either LED or bulb.

Radio shack has
E10 Vertical-Mount Bulb Holder (4-Pack) $1.69 Model: 272-360 Catalog #: 272-360

I think you may be able to stuff these into holes drilled into the wood. They also have surface mount plastic bases which cost more.
Screw in bulbs are a must. This gives you some time while trying to screw in the bulbs and BS..

Also they DO make LED lamps, tried to do a quick search for them with no luck. But they have a plastic white bulb.

Edit: I've seen them in battery powered candles. I do however think this would look better using huge bulbs that you can see the filament in them.
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Been thinking that bright white LEDs that are fixed might work fine, just need removable colored lamp caps to switch around like the switch covers.

IMHO LEDs are too high tech and many would figure they contain some form of wizardry inside (like a flashing LED has)
Colored LED covers might work but it'll still appear modern.
I think knife switches would really add to the illusion. Especially if they were hand made out of stained wood.
blueroomelectronics said:
Those are some ugly bulb holders.
I was thinking of using these inserted through a wood base thick enough to hide it, all you would see is a hole to screw the bulb in.
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If anyone knows where to find porcelain lamp bases squeak up.
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First cut of a schematic using 16F88.

Power with 4 cells.
To use with bulbs bypass resistors R10-13 with junpers JP1-4.

If you choose to use LEDs you need to polorize the sockets.

This should be easy to etch and solder.

EDIT: Current version is 1B which uses SMD Jumpers
Board is aprox 2.0 x 1.5 inches
Updated schematic
Added board and foil images 300dpi
Will post eagle files if requested


  • schematic.png
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  • board.png
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  • foil.png
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The layout of REV 1A is done.
I will build a test board mid week.
See my previous post.
Students will like it, but the real fun will be the other teachers.

Sort of funny. You doing the programming and me the hardware.....

EDIT: If you want a board I can make two. Connectors are all .1 pinheaders.
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I'd love a PCB, and thanks Marks256 for the food colouring tip.
PS the code will be interrupt driven, of course you can change it as it'll be trimmed down to simply work.
Two interrupts,
TMR0 (about once per second) will update a counter and sleep / reset
INT_on change PORTB for the switches
That's all you need really.
3v0 said:
Board is 2.3 x 1.5 inches
Updated schematic
Added board and foil images 300dpi
Will post eagle files if requested
Looks good. Just a few thing things I noticed. The drill holes on some pads appear to be off center for some reason. You might want to use SMD jumper pads to keep costs down:


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We still need to come up with switches for the thing. Any ideas?

Thanks for looking.
I do not plan on making more then a few boards. On the ones where I know LEDs will not be used I will put traces between the pins of the jumpes.

What I posted was generated by Eagle's EXPORT>IMAGE. I do not think the holes will be offset if I print it directly from Eagle. The again it was the new beta version,

Krumlink: Let me know if you want one ?
I vote homemade knife switches. But then again, this isn't my project...

I think they would be fairly easy to make.
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