Unlike some others here on ETO I do have a penchant for industrial archaeology.
Here is my attempt at a schematic for a two stage amplifier:
One of the original specifications was that it should use a 9v battery.
While drawing the schematic, I used an 18v supply which would probably be better, but 9v may be OK.
There is a need for a separate 1.5v supply for the valve heaters.
The heaters are rated at 0.625v which is why the 43 Ohm resistors are included in the connection to pin 3 of each valve to allow connection to a simple 1.5v cell.
I did initially consider connecting the two heaters in series, so making a 1.25v heater chain.
But small battery valves like these rely on the heater supply to provide the grid bias, which is why the filament connections are specified as positive and negative in the datasheet.
It may be possible to modify the circuit to a series heater arrangement, but I think that this would involve changes to the rest of the circuit, so lets just "Keep It Simple".
Be aware that this is what is known as a "voltage amplifier", it will not provide much output power.
The output impedance is high and will be loaded quite heavily when connected to an external low impedance load.