Moving from Oshonsoft to MPLAB

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Well-Known Member
I've been a fan of Oshonsoft for quite a few years now. The simulator has helped me greatly with my programming. I'm not good at programming, and have spent many headachy hours trying to get things working. I am fairly fluent in BASIC, and can almost read 'C', but find it difficult.

Sometimes when I have spent lots of time, while being helped by others on this forum (you know who you are ), we find that the problem is with Oshonsoft in some way, and someone has to sort it out another way. Reluctantly, I am looking for another place where I can program PICs, that has a simulator, that uses BASIC but also uses 'C' (C++???)

I am looking deeper into MPLAB, which appears to use both languages, so will help me convert hopefully, while also having a simulator. It looks like it is up to date and has assistance, from other users.

Any thoughts please?
MPLAB supports integration with other Basic compilers. I do not think it comes with it. Better check fully. I've seen an older Proton Basic work with MPLAB on one of my older laptops a couple years ago. It did integrate, but had to follow instructions to the letter. As for the compiler, very similar to Oshonsoft but with some differences in how they structure things. Proton compiler code (via MPLAB compile) was extremely similar to Oshonsoft assembly code.
So, when shopping around for a Basic compiler, check that it integrates with MPLAB.
Proton Basic has better support for enhanced features found in higher end PIC chips. For me, the simulator in Oshonsoft was more important (I only use basic 16F chips).

Another compiler is mikroBasic PRO by Microelektronica
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Hi S,
I'm not best at following instructions to the letter!, this is why I spend so long, until I conform

I imagine that I will have to change to 'C' even though it is not easy.

I'm pretty sure that MPLAB has a simulator also, but I haven't got that far yet.

I only used 16 series pics for quite a while, then had to change for extra memory etc.
I stopped using Oshonsoft some years back.... Bugs were not being dealt with...

There are several "good" basics for you to play with MicroE's basic... Sourceboost basic.. Proton basic.. Great cow basic..

Personally I never understand the problems people have with C... C is a language just like basic and asm... You only need to learn the syntax..

The stumbling block seems to be built in libraries... C doesn't theoretically have them... MikroC does though.. Why not play with that!!

Hi I,
Trouble is: there's so many different choices, languages and terms at every twist and turn. For me, I need a simulator to help me work through my programs, along with forum help.

I am blindly trying MPLAB, which appears to have a simulator, and can, I think work with BASIC and 'C' First I need to simply get a program to work, so I can see it in a simulator.

I'm following a quite good tutorial, but it appears to be in an older MPLAB version, so needs ironing out, but where are the creases If I stare long enough I'm sure I'll get it!!!
I'm following a quite good tutorial, but it appears to be in an older MPLAB version, so needs ironing out, but where are the creases
If its one of mine... I'll re-do it for MPLABX if you want..

If you need a simulator... VBB is pretty cheap but it simulates with asm... BUT!! I always used to generate MPASM code with Oshonsoft and then simulate using breakpoints one to one... As the generated code has the basic remarks in..
Hi I,

Hi I,
Not quite knowing what I was doing, I downloaded videos for MPLAB.IDE and a couple for MPLABX.IDE (V3.51) which is what I have. One of them is from Microsoft and the other an India voice so perhaps not one of yours?

What I want is as similar to Oshonsoft as possible, as that is quick and efficient. Does MPLABX work in a similar way? It appears to be top heavy and over the top, but I'll make the effort if it performs ok.

Before you re-do your video, perhaps you could try a list of instructions please, if that's ok. I hope to be able to find existing programs. I have mine written in Oshonsoft, and others for Arduino, that I can copy into MPLABX and step through or RUN while watching a simulation. Is this possible?
I've got this far so far with MPLABX. Sample 'explorer 16'


  • MPLABX 16.jpg
    216.5 KB · Views: 334
I can copy into MPLABX and step through or RUN while watching a simulation. Is this possible?
What programmer have you got... Pickit3 can be used as an ICD but only has limited breakpoints..
What programmer have you got... Pickit3 can be used as an ICD but only has limited breakpoints..

Hi I,
The latest is Pickit3. Am I correct that an ICD means that after programming the PIC, it can step through the program in simulation?
In Circuit Debugging.. Yes! But as I said... Limited breakpoints... Some processors need a header! MPLAB software will inform you of this when the device selection page is displayed..
In Circuit Debugging.. Yes! But as I said... Limited breakpoints... Some processors need a header! MPLAB software will inform you of this when the device selection page is displayed..
I've just watched the MPLABXC8 video from which is very helpful. I'm sure I'll find out what breakpoints are and I think a header is where the config bits are?? Getting there
No!! A header is a small PCB with another pic on to translate.. Fortunately after checking.. You don't need one..
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