Moving from PIC18F1330 to 18F4331 Int. Osc Issue...

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New Member
I just ported some code over, and made the necessary adjustments for pin changes etc; code completely compiles. However this is the strange thing.

On the 1330 I had OSCCON = 0x70 to enable to 8MHz int osc. and PLLEN =0. Since this does not support the PLL, I've removed that line but OSCCON = 0x70 is showing up as 1.98kHz on RA6 when I use:

Update: Just realised, it should be Fosc/4 on RA6, and as such this is working.

Problem solved. I tried to define,

#define PIC18F1330
#define PIC18F4331

and use #ifdef...#endif's to swap between chips, but I don't think the compiler liked those names...
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what ever compiler you are using probably has a define for the selected chip. I'm sure it's in your documentation somewhere.
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