Moving to 18F4680

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Hello everyone.

I have started developing a RTOS project on a 18F452 and I quickly realized that the resources (Program ROM and Data RAM) are not as large as my requirements.

Since my code is mature, I would not want to start writing from the beginning for a new PIC, therefore I need one that has the exact same features at the same locations but with more memory.

Q1) I have found 18f4680 to be very similar to 18F452. Is there a way to confirm that based on some MicroChip info? I mean, are they in the same 'family' (I am not sure if I use the right word here but I hope you know what I mean!), so I will not need to change my code?

Q2) In Microchip site I read some Errata documents for the 18F4680. Something is wrong with the silicon chip and it is affecting the CCP and Timers which I use a lot. Are the PICs that are produced now, corrected? Or they still have this error? Is there a way to know if the PIC is bugfree before I buy it?

That's it for now and thanks for reading!!!
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