Need a board design

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New Member
Just so you know I am very good with wiring and fixing problems on boards but I'm not so good at designing without a reference.

With that said I need a particular board. And any help would be greatly appreciated.

What I need it to do is sense a power connection with a light connection then turn on another with a different power source.
Here is a diagram

.......<Light>-----<Splice>---------- Positive Cable / On a bus fuse
......................<Power sensor>----- Positive Cable / On a different bus fuse to power a second light

The reason is that I am trying to wire in a brighter backup light for my truck because my windows are tinted and I can't see it at night.
So I don't want to overload the Amperage on the fuse for the reverse light.
Some may say to just up the fuse but I don't want to do that.
Because I also want to add this to my boat trailer.
That was an original idea that I had.

Here it is drawn out (AGAIN PERIODS ARE FOR SPACING)

.......................+12v 2nd light VCC source
.......................LOAD AKA Second light
1st light VCC...-|......NPN 2N3904

But I was wondering if this might be too simple and short out.
That's why I was wondering if there might be another way.
Maybe a more protected circuit?

The thing that I was going to use it for is a Xenon light set.
It takes up to 55W
12V and (10amps max probably for startup) runs between 7-9amps
I just don't want to reach my limit on just the reverse light.
Basically, all you need is a 12V relay, a diode, a fuse, and some wire. You need to make sure that the fuse, wire and relay are rated to carry the current required by the added lights.


  • BackupLTS.PNG
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I want to have both lights on.
A relay might be easier but I I just want a single coming from the primary light, not two.
With a transistor it would do it that way I want.
Please I need help.
The relay will let you do that and the one you posted the link to above will work fine.

A relay might be easier but I I just want a single coming from the primary light, not two.
I don't know what that sentence means ----^^^^

A relay might be easier but I I just want a single LINE coming from the primary light, not two.

Well I'm just going to use a relay it appears to be the quickest way to get it done.

Thanks though
Yes you did I was just a little tired when I wrote that and was thinking that you wanted it to go back to the light.
It looks great and when I get my lighting I'll put it in thank you very much.
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