Need help with counting pulses to timer

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Hi JR,

I ended up working this weekend and wasn't anywhere near an internet portal. Sorry. Also, better to exchange info' via PM because when I'm on the road I can "pull" email but I can't seem to "push" it out.

Bad news first. I don't seem to have a 10F200 in my inventory so we need to discuss options for you there. Good news is that I got about an hour yesterday to throw together the simple 1-input/1-output program for you and I've attached it below so that the other programmers on the Forum can take a look at it to see how I accomplished your requirements. You didn't provide much info' so I made a few simple assumptions which can easily be changed. For one thing, we need a way to determine when you're done entering your 1, 2, or 3 push button presses so I simply implemented a 3-second switch timer that activates on each "new press". If you don't press the switch within 3 seconds of the last press the program assumes you're done and will start the output sequence. Any switch presses after 3 presses are ignored and any switch presses during the 30/60/90 minute output sequence are ignored. The program restarts at the beginning after completing the output sequence. I setup the output pulse as a 1-msec active high output but this can easily be changed.

I will take a look at your specs' for the slightly more advanced timer application as soon as I can.

Regards, Mike



  • 10F200 OEM Timer v1.txt
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