Need info on Teledyne 321CJ 16 pin DIP

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I am debugging a Beta Products pcb part number 304330. It has 6 of these chips which which are the only IC's on the board. I need to know the pinout to be able to create a test fixture to verify operation and possible re-design the obsolete board. The date codes make me believe this board was make in 1985 and the chips have date code of 8450. But I can't find the data sheet on-line. I found one site that calls it a quad dual-input NAND gate which is believable, but I couldn't determine which pins were inputs and which were outputs based on voltage readings, so I am not sure this is true.
A schematic of the 304330 board would be ideal.
Any help or suggestions where to look?

Hi dude! this is one of a kind. good apetite.


  • datasheet[1].pdf
    155.6 KB · Views: 569
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Thanks for looking and posting! I don't think this is the right datasheet though. My reasoning is that on the board the six chips are mounted on, pin 16 is tied to Vcc and pin 8 is tied to ground. I found this same datasheet a couple days ago and tried to make sense of it and the board layout, but I don't think this is it.

At the bottom of the page you could see it has the number CS321CJ, what I could suggest is to give them a call and find out if it apply to it.
This might help

Teledyne was bought out by Telcom. The telcom part# is TSC321. The only data sheet I could find is from a company called Sertech Labs. Hopefully this helps


  • datasheet.pdf
    1.1 MB · Views: 900
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