Am I missing something (wait, don't answer that). It is cheap junk. Rather than upset the design economic model by adding a battery holder of some sort, they spent less money by using solder tabs on the battery. So, how does that unit compare in price to other units?
Making stuff look like the more expensive product, but with a lower price tag is an art.
I suppose that if pressed, their explanation would be something like...asterisk replace with CR2032 batteries with solder tabs...and learn to solder with our kit...happy soldering for only $3.95...
You can make a new video for that product and become one of their "partners", that is better than one like
You can
buy CR2032s with solder tabs, of course.
Is the practice any worse than the old standard PC mother boards with the same approach? Except, of course those batteries fulfilled their function for a longer time, but still needed to be replaced, eventually if you kept the PC in use.