Orcad 9.2 pcb design....

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I need your help for creating layout of PCB + Gerber file in Or cad 9.2....
Here is my schematic pls change .Doc to .DSN and while creating net list it is showing many error .
please help me with this....!


  • MY1PCB (2).doc
    245 KB · Views: 465
Doesn't it bother you that you have there like 20 times D3? Component names must be unique. Another thing is that it somehow complains that you have illegal characters in there, so maybe try redoing it using only english characters without spaces, brackets,dots, commas etc.

Now its OK??
and what to do for layout??


  • MY1PCB.doc
    260 KB · Views: 376
I bet you can see the errors too, I see 232 times "missing footprint" error. Now you need to set for each part the property "PCB Footprint" to a footprint that is in your footprint library.
Why don´t you start with something smaller than 200 diodes? I would start with just one of each component, test that I can do the layout and then put all 200 diodes in.
I bet you can see the errors too, I see 232 times "missing footprint" error.

No, its not showing error in my PC...
Anyway please start with any simple schematic then i will follow these step for other....
The problem is that I have version 16.5 and I don´t think you will be able to open the files I make.

Now you need to set for each part the property "PCB Footprint" to a footprint that is in your footprint library.
You can set the footprint when you edit the part properties
Can't you read or something? I already told you TWO times how to set the footprints.
the software has extensive help, so run capture, then click help -> learning orcad capture, then tutorial, the go through the two tutorials.
how about making your own library? (like in any other pcb software)
This means you have to create your own schematic part in capture and then make your footprint in allegro.
how about making your own library? (like in any other pcb software)

What are you saying i have changed 9.2 to 16.5....and there is no symbol for LED, why???
and i have no idea how to make own footprint....then what is the use of ORCAD 3GB software??
I have no idea how you missed this, but in Discrete library is an LED.
Anyway, it seems you still don´t realize that any PCB software never has ALL the components in the world, so more often than not you have to create them by yourself. If you are too stubborn to learn how to use it, then why even bother? Just use paper an pencil and be done with it.
I have no idea how you missed this, but in Discrete library is an LED.
How can i missed it?? and in your PC is it there then you can send me zip file...
How can i make part pls tell me about that also.
How to create schematic symbol:
start capture
choose file->new->library
select the .olb file in the window, right click -> new part, select name, click ok
in menu choose place -> pin
use line to draw the shape of the symbol, then click save

How to create footprint:
choose file ->new, enter name of the part and select Package symbol, click ok
on the top right click a circle with + mark named Add pin, in the options toolbar on the right of the screen select a padstack that will be used for that pin. A padstack defines the shape of the pin, whether it is through hole or smd etc.
then right click -> done. After that you can draw outlines, silkscreen, keepouts or anything else you want.
Clik save and you´re done.

Then you need to add the library and package into the design.
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