Orcad 9.2 pcb design....

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OK, i have seen that when i build project while slecting schematic led symbol come but not in pcb layout so, tell after creating schematic how to layout of it with netlist??
Man you got to be either really lazy or "mentally challenged". I don´t know why I´m still helping you when you cant even f***ing read what I posted and DO IT.
Have you tried netlisitng the goddamn schematic? What errors did you get? I got this:
#1 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D3: SCHEMATIC1, mypcb.dsn (2.60, 3.90).
#2 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D4: SCHEMATIC1, mypcb.dsn (3.70, 2.00).
#3 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D5: SCHEMATIC1, mypcb.dsn (3.70, 2.90).
#4 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D6: SCHEMATIC1, mypcb.dsn (3.70, 3.90).
#5 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D1: SCHEMATIC1, mypcb.dsn (2.60, 2.00).
#6 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D2: SCHEMATIC1, mypcb.dsn (2.60, 3.00).
#7 ERROR(ORCAP-36018): Aborting Netlisting... Please correct the above errors and retry.

How many times have I told you you need to assign the footprints to the parts? For example a dio400 footprint will work, but you will probably want to edit it to suit your LEDs.


  • pcb2.zip
    22.1 KB · Views: 325
OK, please tell me the steps to do ...I am bit confused with option coming in window i will follow it!!
for example when i open project>then i have select schematic or Pcb layout wizard???
I select schematic, never used tghe wizard. Then click add part, there is a window with libraries, so click on the button to add libraries and add them all (they are in C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\library). Add a part for example an LED from the discrete library, place them and connect them. Double click on the part in the schematic, find PCB footprint column and enter for example dio400 in there.
Now click on the project page on the dsn file, then select tools-> create netlist, check create or update PCB and click ok.
It will open the new board, now select place -> manually, check the checkboxes on the parts you want to place now and put them into the board, when you´re done click ok. On the left side use the Add connect tool (F3) to make the connections between the parts. Be sure to check out the three tabs on the right of the screen, where you set layers, width etc in Option, then the Visibility, and Find which toggles which features of the part are selectable, like wires pins names etc. You should end up with about the same board like I posted before.
Now click on the project page on the dsn file, then select tools-> create netlist, check create or update PCB and click ok.

After this Select the product window come what to select here??
example:- Allegero PCB Design or Orcad pCb design/ stand/ prof....what to do here????
Sect any of them, I don´t think the slight differences between the different licenses matter, I usually select the first one.

OK, the board is showing in allegro design XL and if i want the layout Gerber file or in PDF how to do this i have PDF writer installed ...
and please few more thing while designing top and bottom funda...
Last edited:
I allways check the gerbers visually to be sure they are in the correct orientation, the names of the layers are correct and so on. Better than being sorry after you get a useless board from a fab house.
OK, I am working on schematic showing this error after design rule check...

after net list create..
Converting C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\pcb.dsn to 16.3 Version Format.
Uprev Completed.
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(0.70, 2.50)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(1.60, 2.50)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.00, 3.80)
The following 2 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.10, 3.80)
(3.00, 3.80)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.00, 3.50)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.50, 2.50)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.20, 3.80)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.30, 3.80)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.40, 3.80)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.50, 4.00)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(1.30, 2.50)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(2.20, 2.10)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.10, 2.10)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(4.10, 2.10)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(5.20, 2.10)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(6.20, 2.10)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(7.20, 2.10)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(2.80, 5.20)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(8.50, 2.80)

*  Design Rules Check

Checking Schematic: SCHEMATIC1
Checking Electrical Rules 
WARNING(ORCAP-1831): Unconnected pin U1,CLK 
WARNING(ORCAP-1831): Unconnected pin U1,C\L\R\ 
WARNING(ORCAP-1608): Net has no driving source N00658 

Checking For Single Node Nets
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections GND 
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections VCC 

Checking For Unconnected Bus Nets
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(2.80, 5.20)
The following 2 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(2.80, 5.20)
(3.10, 5.20)

*  Design Rules Check

Checking Schematic: SCHEMATIC1
Checking Electrical Rules 
WARNING(ORCAP-1831): Unconnected pin U1,C\L\R\ 

Checking For Single Node Nets
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections GND 
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections VCC 

Checking For Unconnected Bus Nets
INFO(ORCAP-32002): Netlisting the design
INFO(ORCAP-32004): Design Name:
Netlist Directory:
Configuration File:

Spawning... "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\pstswp.exe" -pst -d "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\pcb.dsn" -n "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro" -c "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\allegro.cfg" -v 3   -l 31 -s "" -j "PCB Footprint" -hpath "HPathForCollision"
#1 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D3: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (4.70, 2.40).
#2 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D4: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (5.70, 2.40).
#3 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D5: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (6.70, 2.40).
#4 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D6: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.70, 2.40).
#5 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D7: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (7.70, 2.40).
#6 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D8: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.80, 2.40).
#7 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance U1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (2.70, 4.30).
#8 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (2.60, 2.40).
#9 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D2: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.60, 2.40).
#10 ERROR(ORCAP-36018): Aborting Netlisting... Please correct
 the above errors and retry.

Exiting... "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\pstswp.exe" -pst -d "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\pcb.dsn" -n "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro" -c "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\allegro.cfg" -v 3   -l 31 -s "" -j "PCB Footprint" -hpath "HPathForCollision"
INFO(ORCAP-32005): *** Done ***


  • Desktop.rar
    6.2 KB · Views: 289
Ok, so as for the warnings:
>WARNING(ORCAP-1831): Unconnected pin U1,C\L\R\
wasn´t connected to anything beacuse the VCC wasn´t at the right spot, use R to rotate parts and check they are connected properly
>WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections GND
>WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections VCC
These are for U1, double click it and check the box Power pins visible, then connect to vcc and gnd manually - it is safer than relying on the automatic power connections.

As for the errors, this has to be at least sixth time when you HAVE NOT SET THE ******* FOOTPRINT! Doble click each part and writhe the footprint in to the Pcb footprint property. All parts must have it.

Is anybody else watching this thread? Are you having as much fun as I do? [smiley-vomit.gif]

Now i have connected the footprint to led as you said in preevious post and U1 to supply maualy i have no idea of 74164 footprint lib what to write??

here are the error...

Converting C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\pcb.dsn to 16.3 Version Format.
Uprev Completed.
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(0.70, 2.50)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(1.60, 2.50)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.00, 3.80)
The following 2 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.10, 3.80)
(3.00, 3.80)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.00, 3.50)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.50, 2.50)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.20, 3.80)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.30, 3.80)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.40, 3.80)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.50, 4.00)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(1.30, 2.50)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(2.20, 2.10)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.10, 2.10)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(4.10, 2.10)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(5.20, 2.10)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(6.20, 2.10)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(7.20, 2.10)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(2.80, 5.20)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(8.50, 2.80)

*  Design Rules Check

Checking Schematic: SCHEMATIC1
Checking Electrical Rules 
WARNING(ORCAP-1831): Unconnected pin U1,CLK 
WARNING(ORCAP-1831): Unconnected pin U1,C\L\R\ 
WARNING(ORCAP-1608): Net has no driving source N00658 

Checking For Single Node Nets
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections GND 
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections VCC 

Checking For Unconnected Bus Nets
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(2.80, 5.20)
The following 2 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(2.80, 5.20)
(3.10, 5.20)

*  Design Rules Check

Checking Schematic: SCHEMATIC1
Checking Electrical Rules 
WARNING(ORCAP-1831): Unconnected pin U1,C\L\R\ 

Checking For Single Node Nets
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections GND 
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections VCC 

Checking For Unconnected Bus Nets
INFO(ORCAP-32002): Netlisting the design
INFO(ORCAP-32004): Design Name:
Netlist Directory:
Configuration File:

Spawning... "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\pstswp.exe" -pst -d "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\pcb.dsn" -n "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro" -c "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\allegro.cfg" -v 3   -l 31 -s "" -j "PCB Footprint" -hpath "HPathForCollision"
#1 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D3: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (4.70, 2.40).
#2 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D4: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (5.70, 2.40).
#3 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D5: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (6.70, 2.40).
#4 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D6: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.70, 2.40).
#5 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D7: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (7.70, 2.40).
#6 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D8: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.80, 2.40).
#7 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance U1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (2.70, 4.30).
#8 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (2.60, 2.40).
#9 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D2: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.60, 2.40).
#10 ERROR(ORCAP-36018): Aborting Netlisting... Please correct
 the above errors and retry.

Exiting... "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\pstswp.exe" -pst -d "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\pcb.dsn" -n "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro" -c "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\allegro.cfg" -v 3   -l 31 -s "" -j "PCB Footprint" -hpath "HPathForCollision"
INFO(ORCAP-32005): *** Done ***
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.30, 5.20)
The following 2 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.30, 5.20)
(3.10, 5.20)
The following 3 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(2.80, 5.20)
(3.30, 5.20)
(3.10, 5.20)

*  Design Rules Check

Checking Schematic: SCHEMATIC1
Checking Electrical Rules 

Checking For Single Node Nets
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections GND 
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections VCC 

Checking For Unconnected Bus Nets
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(4.80, 5.20)
The following 2 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(4.80, 5.20)
(3.30, 5.80)
The following 3 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(1.90, 5.10)
(4.80, 5.20)
(3.30, 5.80)

*  Design Rules Check

Checking Schematic: SCHEMATIC1
Checking Electrical Rules 

Checking For Single Node Nets
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections GND 
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections VCC 

Checking For Unconnected Bus Nets

*  Design Rules Check

Checking Schematic: SCHEMATIC1
Checking Electrical Rules 

Checking For Single Node Nets
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections GND 
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections VCC 

Checking For Unconnected Bus Nets
INFO(ORCAP-32002): Netlisting the design
INFO(ORCAP-32004): Design Name:
Netlist Directory:
Configuration File:

Spawning... "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\pstswp.exe" -pst -d "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\pcb.dsn" -n "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro" -c "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\allegro.cfg" -v 3   -l 31 -s "" -j "PCB Footprint" -hpath "HPathForCollision"
#1 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance U1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (2.70, 4.30).
#2 ERROR(ORCAP-36018): Aborting Netlisting... Please correct the above errors and retry.

Exiting... "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\pstswp.exe" -pst -d "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\pcb.dsn" -n "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro" -c "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\allegro.cfg" -v 3   -l 31 -s "" -j "PCB Footprint" -hpath "HPathForCollision"
INFO(ORCAP-32005): *** Done ***
Well, it is a 14 pin DIP package, so look into c:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\share\pcb\pcb_lib\symbols\ directory and take a guess. I can't keep telling you which package to use for what.
OK, I am using this dip14_3 and after creating net list allegro PCB design has opened showing nothing asking this
Opening existing design...
Command >

The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(7.20, 2.10)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(2.80, 5.20)
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(8.50, 2.80)

*  Design Rules Check

Checking Schematic: SCHEMATIC1
Checking Electrical Rules 
WARNING(ORCAP-1831): Unconnected pin U1,CLK 
WARNING(ORCAP-1831): Unconnected pin U1,C\L\R\ 
WARNING(ORCAP-1608): Net has no driving source N00658 

Checking For Single Node Nets
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections GND 
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections VCC 

Checking For Unconnected Bus Nets
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(2.80, 5.20)
The following 2 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(2.80, 5.20)
(3.10, 5.20)

*  Design Rules Check

Checking Schematic: SCHEMATIC1
Checking Electrical Rules 
WARNING(ORCAP-1831): Unconnected pin U1,C\L\R\ 

Checking For Single Node Nets
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections GND 
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections VCC 

Checking For Unconnected Bus Nets
INFO(ORCAP-32002): Netlisting the design
INFO(ORCAP-32004): Design Name:
Netlist Directory:
Configuration File:

Spawning... "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\pstswp.exe" -pst -d "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\pcb.dsn" -n "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro" -c "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\allegro.cfg" -v 3   -l 31 -s "" -j "PCB Footprint" -hpath "HPathForCollision"
#1 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D3: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (4.70, 2.40).
#2 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D4: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (5.70, 2.40).
#3 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D5: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (6.70, 2.40).
#4 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D6: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (1.70, 2.40).
#5 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D7: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (7.70, 2.40).
#6 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D8: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (0.80, 2.40).
#7 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance U1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (2.70, 4.30).
#8 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (2.60, 2.40).
#9 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance D2: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (3.60, 2.40).
#10 ERROR(ORCAP-36018): Aborting Netlisting... Please correct
 the above errors and retry.

Exiting... "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\pstswp.exe" -pst -d "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\pcb.dsn" -n "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro" -c "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\allegro.cfg" -v 3   -l 31 -s "" -j "PCB Footprint" -hpath "HPathForCollision"
INFO(ORCAP-32005): *** Done ***
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.30, 5.20)
The following 2 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(3.30, 5.20)
(3.10, 5.20)
The following 3 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(2.80, 5.20)
(3.30, 5.20)
(3.10, 5.20)

*  Design Rules Check

Checking Schematic: SCHEMATIC1
Checking Electrical Rules 

Checking For Single Node Nets
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections GND 
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections VCC 

Checking For Unconnected Bus Nets
The following 1 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(4.80, 5.20)
The following 2 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(4.80, 5.20)
(3.30, 5.80)
The following 3 points have been identified as net connectivity change points from the last operation
(1.90, 5.10)
(4.80, 5.20)
(3.30, 5.80)

*  Design Rules Check

Checking Schematic: SCHEMATIC1
Checking Electrical Rules 

Checking For Single Node Nets
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections GND 
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections VCC 

Checking For Unconnected Bus Nets

*  Design Rules Check

Checking Schematic: SCHEMATIC1
Checking Electrical Rules 

Checking For Single Node Nets
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections GND 
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections VCC 

Checking For Unconnected Bus Nets
INFO(ORCAP-32002): Netlisting the design
INFO(ORCAP-32004): Design Name:
Netlist Directory:
Configuration File:

Spawning... "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\pstswp.exe" -pst -d "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\pcb.dsn" -n "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro" -c "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\allegro.cfg" -v 3   -l 31 -s "" -j "PCB Footprint" -hpath "HPathForCollision"
#1 ERROR(ORCAP-36002): Property "PCB Footprint" missing from instance U1: SCHEMATIC1, PAGE1 (2.70, 4.30).
#2 ERROR(ORCAP-36018): Aborting Netlisting... Please correct the above errors and retry.

Exiting... "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\pstswp.exe" -pst -d "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\pcb.dsn" -n "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro" -c "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\allegro.cfg" -v 3   -l 31 -s "" -j "PCB Footprint" -hpath "HPathForCollision"
INFO(ORCAP-32005): *** Done ***
INFO(ORCAP-32002): Netlisting the design
INFO(ORCAP-32004): Design Name:
Netlist Directory:
Configuration File:

Spawning... "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\pstswp.exe" -pst -d "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\pcb.dsn" -n "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro" -c "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\allegro.cfg" -v 3   -l 31 -s "" -j "PCB Footprint" -hpath "HPathForCollision"
Scanning netlist files ...

Loading... C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro/pstchip.dat

Loading... C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro/pstchip.dat

Loading... C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro/pstxprt.dat

Loading... C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro/pstxnet.dat
packaging the design view...

Exiting... "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\pstswp.exe" -pst -d "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\pcb.dsn" -n "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro" -c "C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\capture\allegro.cfg" -v 3   -l 31 -s "" -j "PCB Footprint" -hpath "HPathForCollision"
INFO(ORCAP-32005): *** Done ***
* Updating Allegro PCB Editor Board 
INFO(ORCAP-32040): Updating Allegro PCB Editor Board

Spawning... netrev.exe -5 	-y 1 -n   -i "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro" "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro\pcb.brd" "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro\pcb.brd"
Reading File : C:/Users/Abc/Documents/pcb/allegro/pstchip.dat
Reading File : C:/Users/Abc/Documents/pcb/allegro/pstxprt.dat
Reading File : C:/Users/Abc/Documents/pcb/allegro/pstxnet.dat
Starting to process component instances
   Finished component instance processing
Starting to check device models
   Finished checking device models
Starting to process nets
   Finished net processing
Starting to process slot properties
   Finished slot property processing
Starting to process component instance properties
   Finished component instance property processing
Performing a partial database check before saving.
Writing database to disk.
'pcb.brd' saved to disk.

netrev run on Apr 7 20:21:06 2013
   PACKAGING ON Apr 21 2011 10:02:30

 No error detected
 No oversight detected
 No warning detected

cpu time      0:01:16
elapsed time  0:00:00

Exiting... netrev.exe -5 	-y 1 -n   -i "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro" "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro\pcb.brd" "C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro\pcb.brd"
(                                                                     )
(    Allegro Netrev Import Logic                                      )
(                                                                     )
(    Drawing          : pcb.brd                                       )
(    Software Version : 16.5P002                                      )
(    Date/Time        : Sun Apr 07 20:21:06 2013                      )
(                                                                     )

------ Directives ------

Missing symbol has error FALSE;
SCHEMATIC_DIRECTORY 'C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro';
OLD_BOARD_NAME 'pcb.brd';
NEW_BOARD_NAME 'pcb.brd';

CmdLine: netrev.exe -5 -y 1 -n -i C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro\pcb.brd C:\Users\Abc\Documents\pcb\allegro\pcb.brd

------ Preparing to read pst files ------

Starting to read C:/Users/Abc/Documents/pcb/allegro/pstchip.dat 
   Finished reading C:/Users/Abc/Documents/pcb/allegro/pstchip.dat (00:00:00.07)
Starting to read C:/Users/Abc/Documents/pcb/allegro/pstxprt.dat 
   Finished reading C:/Users/Abc/Documents/pcb/allegro/pstxprt.dat (00:00:00.01)
Starting to read C:/Users/Abc/Documents/pcb/allegro/pstxnet.dat 
   Finished reading C:/Users/Abc/Documents/pcb/allegro/pstxnet.dat (00:00:00.00)

------ Oversights/Warnings/Errors ------

------ Library Paths ------



------ Summary Statistics ------

netrev run on Apr 7 20:21:06 2013
   PACKAGING ON Apr 21 2011 10:02:30

   COMPILE 'logic'
   NET_NAME_CHARS '#%&()*+-./:=>?@[]^_`|'
   SUPPRESS   20

 No error detected
 No oversight detected
 No warning detected

cpu time      0:01:16
elapsed time  0:00:00

INFO(ORCAP-32005): *** Done ***
Do you even read what I write?
It will open the new board, now select place -> manually, check the check boxes on the parts you want to place now and put them into the board, when you´re done click ok.

I have done this no component seen on screen...,why??
side use the Add connect tool (F3) to make the connections between the parts.

so, how to do this?
When you click the place -> manually, do you see the components in there? Maybe try reading that sentence again and doing EXACTLY as I said. You need to check the checkboxes, place the components and THEN click ok.
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