Orcad 9.2 pcb design....

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When you click the place -> manually, do you see the components in there? Maybe try reading that sentence again and doing EXACTLY as I said. You need to check the checkboxes, place the components and THEN click ok.

Yes, all component are there and when i press OK then also seen nothing !!
Yes, just like that. Now with the window still open click in the black area and place them.
Making connecting is going difficult as i can't delete the net_wire overlapping each other..!!
option 1: use the slide tool on the left to move the traces
option 2: use the delete tool on the top to delete stuff. You need to select what you want to delete in the Find tab on the right BEFORE you use any tool.

You see at open pin the net(wire) is connected but iam not able to delete it, why???
how to do it?


  • pcb.brd
    192.3 KB · Views: 320
  • sd.jpg
    335.7 KB · Views: 353
What you did in schematic is exactly the same as on the board. So go to the schematic and change what you need, then do netlist again and update the board.

I have updated the schematic know what will be the further steos to create Gerber file...
Note the led footprint is for diode not for led...!!
Edit the footprint to match your led.
Read this thread again if you cant remeber how to make the gerbers.
Autorouters are used very little, because they provide much worse results than a human would do.

for creating gerber file i was reading the link u said....
According that tutorial goto display like this and then maufacture but when i goto viewlog its says photoplot.log does not exit, why?
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