overload protection circuit help needed

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New Member
Hi. I have a transmitter in MW band and the output tube operates with 1400vdc/160mA. (the transformer i am using is 230vac/1000vac). I am looking for an electronic circuit witch will be able to cut off the 230vac supply of the transmitter every time the antenna is falls to the ground (the result of an antenna witch have short-circuit with the ground is to be increased the tube's anode current) or other overload faults. i would like this circuit to drive an on/off relay 230 volt and to control the 230vac current of the transformer not the 1000vac current. for example if the current of the low (230vac) voltage is increased from 1A to 1.01A i would like the circuit i have described above to cut the power supply. i would like this current control to be adjustable.thank you very much.
You have a license to control a high power transmitter and don't have a clue how to detect a high current?
It may be a better idea to install an antenna which does not keep falling to the ground.

With so many other variables affecting the mains, most of us apparently recognize that it's impractical trying to build a circuit breaker with less than a 1% trip threshold. Also, it is not accepted that the mains current will always go up when the antenna is shorted. It may go down. For the reasons, read an antenna book.

For example, are we to assume that this transmitter is not modulated?

Most experienced hams faced with this problem would either take JimB's approach (stronger antenna) or trigger on a VSWR measurement. With VSWR sensing, you could actually shut down the transmitter before the wire reaches the ground!
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