I have a technics keyboard, that when we plug in the only thing it shows it the LCD ilumination.
I made a few measures on power and initial PCB and find every VR are working and power is getting in main PCB.
In this main PCB there is a 32 bit microcontroller MN103002A.
The issue is, how can i make sure this microcontroller is working? Shall i measure VSS and VDD voltages? What is the diference betwenn these 2 voltages ( VSS vs VDD )?
I send in attach block diagram of all circuits ( if anyone have time to watch.. lol ).
If so, look for activity on the rd/wt, data and address pins. Also check that the RST pin (reset) goes low briefly when power is applied, then stays at high level (3.3v?)
If the CPU /RST in signal on pin 141 is being held low, you need to trace where than comes from - the CPU cannot do anything if it is being held in reset.
If the CPU /RST in signal on pin 141 is being held low, you need to trace where than comes from - the CPU cannot do anything if it is being held in reset.
Classic example, it's VERY, VERY rare for a micro-controller/processor to die - it's almost always something external, and reset or clock issues are common problems. He needs a service manual really.
well i said it wront. measuring /RST on R4 and C13 i get 2.9volt!! so i think reset is holding the processor. this voltage remains all the time the power is on until powering off....
The reset signal is active low - that's what the / or bar above it means.
If it is continuously high (after briefly staying low when power is first applied), the CPU is not being locked in reset and should be running.
Look for activity on the RD/WT pin?
Also the /RAS and /CAS pins? Those are all related to memory access or refresh, so should be showing some regular activity?
Measuring R18 ( RD/WT ) i found 3.3 for 2 seconds after power on and then 0volt fix.
when powering of it goes up (3.3v) momentarily and then shuts down.
On the other hand, on service manual, there is a test to SNS signal.
This is a test to the power pcb. I send the schematic of the power in in attach.
The the waveform i get on osciloscope is diferent from the one it is shownn in the manual...
I send images in attach.
That's got nothing to do with the reservoir capacitors, it's a positive AC output from before the bridge rectifier. Presumably to provide zero-crossing pulses?.
Try and find where it goes to, the waveform you're getting is what would be expected unless something (like a capacitor) is smoothing the signal - perhaps as a power ON / power OFF indication?. But nothing is shown on the section posted.