PIC basic to Oshonsoft conversion

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Well-Known Member

I'm trying to convert a piece of code written in PIC Basic to Oshonsoft basic, below:
I get most of it, apart from 'ABS' and e,g, the decimal point in 'Distance.15' and the numbers 13 and 15.
Any help appreciated.


Position VAR WORD
Distance VAR WORD

Position = 1234

HSEROUT[13, "You're at position: ", DEC Position, 13]
HSEROUT["Enter new target: ",13]

' Actual calculation starts here.
' When done the variable Distance contains the
' number of "ticks" to target in two's complement format.
Distance = Target - Position

IF Distance.15 = 0 THEN ' Distance is positive
If Distance > 1790 THEN
Distance = Distance - 3580

IF Distance.15 = 1 THEN ' Distance is negative
IF ABS Distance > 1790 THEN
Distance = Distance + 3580
' End of calculation, result now in Distance.

IF Distance.15 = 1 THEN ' Distance is negative

HSEROUT[DEC ABS Distance, " ticks.", 13]

Position = Target

Goto Main
hi C,
Distance.15, distance is a WORD variable,
ie: 16 Bits, so Distance.15 means the 15th Bit of that Word.[ the MSBit]
The Bits are 'weighted' 15, 14, thru 1, 0

13 is the Decimal code for Carriage return

BTW. Oshonsoft uses the same method,, the Compiler should recognise the statement

Hi Eric,
I had to use distance as word as the variable, then distance.15 compiled in the program.

Do you know what the Oshonsoft version of ABS is?

Thanks, C.
Do you know what the Oshonsoft version of ABS is?

hi C.
ABS means the Absolute value of value/number, the Sign is assumed as a positive value.
If Distance.15 = 1 then distance is a negative value
There is no Oshonsoft equivalent.

IF Distance.15 = 1 THEN ' Distance is negative
'you could try, as I am not sure what the limits of the distance value
distance =65535-distance
IF Distance > 1790 THEN
Distance = Distance + 3580

IF flag= 1 THEN ' Distance is negative


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hi C.

means the Absolute value of value/number, the Sign is assumed as a positive value.].

Hi Eric, [I'm not sure if the above post made any sense, so here it is again corrected.]
Am I correct that the sign above does not mean sign as used in angles?

Can you try the code in post# 5, in your SIM please?, as I'm not sure quite what to expect.

EDIT: I got mixed up between sign and sine I get it now.
You can calculate ABS of distance ( word variable ) in Oshonsoft.

If distance.15 = 1 then
abs= 65535-distance+1
Else abs=distance
Look at this, remember the Hserin is a ASCII string, so you must convert to a number.

In the SIM use the ? as a serial string input terminator, for a PIC change the "?" to Lf.

You could change the program section that says neg/pos and use Post#7 option if you wish.



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I think this is not right:

distance =65535-distance


For example distance -1 as unsigned word is 65535.
Distance.15=0 -> distance = 32767
65535 - distance= 32768, but it should be 1
'you could try, as I am not sure what the limits of the distance value

hi jj,
I did say that I was not sure if 'camerart' is using signed or unsigned values.
Oshonsoft does not support signed WORD values.
I assumed that the '16 bit counter' POSCNT, in the 18F2431 PIC would roll down thru .... 1,0,65535, 65534.....
It is possible to preload the CAP2CNT registers with 3599 [359.9 deg] decimal., as was done in the earlier programs I posted, which all work on my hardware.

Perhaps the OP will clarify that point.


Hi Eric,

Just to clarify! IMPORTANT!! What was:
CAP2BUFL = 0x00 'POSCNT from quad signals, preload L0000
CAP2BUFH = 0x00 'POSCNT from quad signals, preload H0000
CAP3BUFL = 0x0f 'MAXCNT, preload with 3599 degrees [actual 359deg][Should read 359.9deg]
CAP3BUFH = 0x0e 'MAXCNT, preload with ???? degrees [actual ???deg]

Is now:
CAP2BUFL = 0x00 'POSCNT from quad signals, preload L0000
CAP2BUFH = 0x00 'POSCNT from quad signals, preload H0000
CAP3BUFL = 0x0f 'MAXCNT, preload with 3581 degrees [360deg - 0.995Deg]
CAP3BUFH = 0x0e 'MAXCNT, preload with ???? degrees [actual ???deg]

Due to the recently found error of the 100:1 gearbox being actually 99.5:1. Therefore 3582 steps/rev of the output shaft.

I'm not familar with signed and unsigned values, but if this means that there are negatives, then no I don't use signed values. I hope this is correct!

I was interested in the code in post #1, with the 'Distance.15' variable, as I've not come across this before, especially if it gives better code than before. Also if it allows me to add a DEADBAND succesfully.

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hi C,
The programs we have exchanged do not use SIGNED values, as Oshon does not support them.
You can use If WORD.n = ... Then , to check any bit in a Word for being High [1] or Low [0].
or you can SET a Bit High or Low by using WORD.n = 1 or 0

For example,
if the present Head Azimuth is say, 010 degrees and you want to move the Head to 350 degrees, the program determines that the Head must rotate Anticlockwise for the shortest travel.
Also if the present Azimuth is 350 degrees and 010 degrees is required, the program drives the the Head Clockwise. ie: the shortest travel.

As we are working in 360 degrees of Head rotation, the requirement was to determine the shortest angular movement to get the Head from its present Azimuth to the required new Azimuth, the programs we have do just that.

I understand that you are using 3581 as an Index point, because of the mechanical error.

Testing 'distance.15' in the program will not make any difference to the Dead band angle detection, its just another way of doing what we have already done.

hi C,
The programs we have exchanged do not use SIGNED values, as Oshon does not support them.
I'll try to remember!

[QUOTE="You can use If WORD.n = ... Then , to check any bit in a Word for being High [1] or Low [0].
or you can SET a Bit High or Low by using WORD.n = 1 or 0[/QUOTE]
That's really interesting!

[QUOTE="For example,
if the present Head Azimuth is say, 010 degrees and you want to move the Head to 350 degrees, the program determines that the Head must rotate Anticlockwise for the shortest travel.
Also if the present Azimuth is 350 degrees and 010 degrees is required, the program drives the the Head Clockwise. ie: the shortest travel.[/QUOTE] As we are working in 360 degrees of Head rotation, the requirement was to determine the shortest angular movement to get the Head from its present Azimuth to the required new Azimuth, the programs we have do just that.[/QUOTE]
OK, back to the drawing board.

[QUOTE="I understand that you are using 3581 as an Index point, because of the mechanical error.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE="Testing 'distance.15' in the program will not make any difference to the Dead band angle detection, its just another way of doing what we have already done.


What a shame, it looked so magical

Ok, that's the end of this thread, for me. Back to the Tracker thread!

Thanks a lot C.
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