William At MyBlueRoom
New Member
Mike said:Please pick one; (A) No real standards I'm aware of. Or, (B) Everyone has their own standard (grin).
I used a pinout that matches the melabs serial and usb programmers so that I could use my melabs programming adapter board.
You could always use an RJ14 connector for an ICD2 compatible ICSP interface.
BTW, did you happen to notice that a VPP voltage of 12v seems to cover more PIC devices than a VPP voltage of 13v?
I chose mine to match the ICD2 adapter cable & the ICD2 clone on ebay (not a good clone; uses the 16F877A so needs a modded bootloader)
I think 13v is so popular because of the 0.7v drop across a typical VPP transistor. 12.3v VPP, and it even works with the 18F series.