please help help help

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In a certain automated manufacturing process, electrical components are automatically inserted in a PC board. Before the insertion tool is activated, the PC board must be properly positioned and the component to be inserted must be in the chamber. A HIGH voltage indicates each of these prerequisite conditions. The insertion tool requires a LOW voltage to activate it. Design a circuit to implement this.

Someone please help.... i just keep confusing myself here!!
This seems to be related to your other homework post.

A high input gives a low output....... Google "comparator" .... the thing you mention in your other post. .... or maybe "inverter" might do the job?

No more clues from me.....
The following is offered as an illustration of one possible solution.
It should be easy to arrange a circuit similar to the bottom part.
There are other equally valid answers, but this is quite simple.
Best of luck with it,


  • Illustration.JPG
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